Well this is issue is really not so big deal for my husband, in fact he's been helping my family.
He gave my uncle 30k pesos to help him with some important matters to deal with.
He lend my aunt 35k pesos and he is not expecting that she will pay him back.
He lend my sister 20k pesos before we left for UK in november and same thing, he doesnt expect her to pay the money back.
He bought my brother the latest psp model, he always treats my family to a posh restaurant whenever he's in the philippines, he gave money to my granny because he knows i love her so much.
My point is, my husband has done so many things for my family. So now that im in uk, i dont want to bother him about sending money to philippines because i think its too much. And he is providing me all the things i need especially now that im pregnant.

I dont want to send money to philippines for now because i dont have a job at the moment. Like lizaphil said, its better if i have a job but thats impossible at the moment.
I dont think thats being selfish and greedy. Can anyone understand my point????