[QUOTE=Ekks;206081] ... Philippines) but I think I'd still want to go back there to live if given a really good job package ... I certainly still don't feel very british. People still tend to look down on me 'cos I'm asian. I have noticed differences in service from white people when you're in a shop ... Sorry may seem a bit off topic but what I learned about this is that grass isn't always greener on the other side ... but just amazed that at this day and age - some people still think that filipinos are either just domestic helpers, nurses/carers or opportunists who marry white guys in order to get to the UK. Living in the UK has made me appreciate the Philippines more, it made me appreciate the relationship I have with my family and relatives back home and made me appreciate the friends I've still got there even if I don't see them very often. It is very hard to find true friends (filipinos) here in the UK and I have now given up on the idea of finding somebody ... /QUOTE]

Hello and thanks Ekks for sharing! Saying “YES!!!” to myself while reading your contribution - very much interesting to hear you and how much you appreciate Philippines – the very thing I wished to hear and the very one angle of change I am talking about ...

I can feel your frustrations. We share the same sentiments and I experienced that myself. In away no one is to blame, except us or maybe not? I am not sure saying this, but whether appropriate or not that to me in general is my personal observation. I wouldn’t be surprised if I get reactions over this.

We need to go out of the ordinary. We need to change the misconceptions and generalisations. Again (in my opinion), we have yet to do something that can really turn Britain/British around or perhaps we’ve done something already, but no support from our own? I really don’t know. Friends even are hard to find, why?