Quote Originally Posted by pocahontas View Post
oh...can i still join my self in this topic.. hello bless books. if im not mistaken are you also the one who put a topic here about AKOY PILIPINO song? coz if you do i have to admit that you are emotional person but.........very interesting personality. i like it. and for your question about this. in my own experience, really things change and no permanent in this world. not unless you set it to be in the same way. i have to say that its hard for me to say the truth of how i change. but to make this a little bit more clear for me changes in life is not always favor to what you expecting and if thats happened then you need more time to accept it..8-) hm.. i dont think i made my self clear..hehe8-)
Hello pocahontas! Finally, I am here to respond to your comment. I read this before, so sorry only now - I can only reply to a few at a time and besides, just don't want to monopolise the whole thread ... if that is the case, you will get bored seeing all my responses in one go.

Thanks for your words :-) ... yes, I am the same one who posted the AKO AY PILIPINO and yes, I am a bit emotional.

It has been said over that the only thing that is permanent is change aside from death and tax of course! Oh, it's perfectly clear to me pocahontas.

Change is inevitable, you can either embrace it or embrace. I see that we have no choice ... we just have to balance the good from the bad.
Okay, till next interaction with you ...