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  1. #1
    Member ViesVies's Avatar
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    advice on moving to phils

    Can anyone help me. I married my UK husband in August2009 and when he returned to uk he wanted to find work again then me follow with my little boy. My husband is still unemployed and we both now agree that he should be here with me in Phils. He is struggling to find work and recently lost his father and has said that he has nothing in the UK left. He wants to sell his house and come home here with my family but has no idea or clue what to do. People say dont sell house but he has mind made up and wants to be here and to be honest I miss him so much i want him here too. Can anyone help or advise us on what he needs to do? He says to me his mortgage is going to run until he is old and house is worth many more than he paid. We both talked and his mind is made up so please can someone advise us



  2. #2
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    As you are already married its easy.You need to apply for a residence visa for him,just go to your nearest BOI office and they will give you all the info you need.
    A lot of red tape has now been removed from the visa process,as long as he can show he has money and will not be a burden it should be plain sailing.He will also be allowed to work in the Philippines.
    Most of the paperwork is down to the wife to complete.

  3. #3
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    Like Jonnijon says the visa process should be pretty simple. Regarding the house, I met an english guy in davao who rented his house out here and lived off the money in phils. Depending on how much mortgage he pays and how much rent he would get would determine if that was a viable option. If his mind is made up and he wants to sell there's plenty of advice online about selling property.

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    If he's doing that he needs to buy a few plantations with the money to get some income to live off and put the rest away.
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViesVies View Post
    Can anyone help me. I married my UK husband in August2009 and when he returned to uk he wanted to find work again then me follow with my little boy. My husband is still unemployed and we both now agree that he should be here with me in Phils. He is struggling to find work and recently lost his father and has said that he has nothing in the UK left. He wants to sell his house and come home here with my family but has no idea or clue what to do. People say dont sell house but he has mind made up and wants to be here and to be honest I miss him so much i want him here too. Can anyone help or advise us on what he needs to do? He says to me his mortgage is going to run until he is old and house is worth many more than he paid. We both talked and his mind is made up so please can someone advise us


    I know you need the money to start your life in Phils as a family but if I was your husband I woudn't sell his house in UK because in the end of day your husband still will be coming back in UK to find a work or a better life for him and his family.

    Good luck though.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  6. #6
    Respected Member bless.books's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViesVies View Post
    Can anyone help me. I married my UK husband in August2009 and when he returned to uk he wanted to find work again then me follow with my little boy. My husband is still unemployed and we both now agree that he should be here with me in Phils. He is struggling to find work and recently lost his father and has said that he has nothing in the UK left. He wants to sell his house and come home here with my family but has no idea or clue what to do. People say dont sell house but he has mind made up and wants to be here and to be honest I miss him so much i want him here too. Can anyone help or advise us on what he needs to do? He says to me his mortgage is going to run until he is old and house is worth many more than he paid. We both talked and his mind is made up so please can someone advise us Thanks ViesVies
    Hello to you viesvies! Keep his options open and don't put all eggs in one basket. If he has to go there, he should have Plan A and B if it doesn't work out. It is really advisable that he has skills on anything he will embark on. Let's just say he will get into a business as an income. Make sure you really both know what you are doing ... ther are a few who invested so much that later on felt sorry bec it didn't work out. Good luck ...

  7. #7
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    I agree with bless, do not put all eggs in one basket, and do a lot of planning and be very careful of where you invest your money into,
    do not rush into a business venture without taking all the necessary preparations and precautions and always have a plan B for any contingencies....
    "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react"
    "The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost"

  8. #8
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Has any member here actually made a success of a business in Phils. It is something I am also considering. What areas do people 'make it' in ?

  9. #9
    Respected Member bless.books's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    Has any member here actually made a success of a business in Phils. It is something I am also considering. What areas do people 'make it' in ?
    Hello Steve.r! I am not sure if there is one on here (forum) as I don't know anyone personally ... one thing I know is that ... there are a few/lots who made it back home. It just depends on you look at it. We all look at things at different perspective ...

  10. #10
    Respected Member bless.books's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
    I agree with bless, do not put all eggs in one basket, and do a lot of planning and be very careful of where you invest your money into, do not rush into a business venture without taking all the necessary preparations and precautions and always have a plan B for any contingencies....
    Hello Sophie! Yeah, right ...

  11. #11
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    From years of experience on here, most Brits end up coming back at some point.
    Keith - Administrator

  12. #12
    Respected Member bless.books's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    From years of experience on here, most Brits end up coming back at some point.
    Hello Win2Win! Yeah, I agree with you there

  13. #13
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    He doesnt sound to be in the right state of mind to be selling his house in the UK just yet..If you need advice about moving here in general then that is a huge red flag which says NOT YET IMO..
    I understand how he feels in regards escaping the UK but no sense rushing into it as its a nightmare having to concede defeat and go back broke after things have gone pear shaped..That would be tough.
    Having said that it really depends on how much his house would raise in cash terms..It would have to be a lot for him to support you both in the P.I on the interest alone as I would never advise him to touch the lump sum..
    Think in terms of raising at least 80 k a month here to be able to live half way decent..
    Personally,I need over 100,00K EVERY MONTH to be really happy here...Which I am..
    I have no pension BTW so its not impossible..far from it.
    Originally Posted by Sophie
    I agree with bless, do not put all eggs in one basket, and do a lot of planning and be very careful of where you invest your money into, do not rush into a business venture without taking all the necessary preparations and precautions and always have a plan B for any contingencies....
    Good advice from Sophie IMO.

  14. #14
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    Please don't sell your property. Tell your husband to have more patience in finding work. How old is he? If he's nearly retired, then you only need to wait few years.

    If you have already your business running good, you have property for accommodations, I would still say don't sell the property and let somebody to let it for your other income source. The cost of living in the Philippines is really getting high and British way of living is not that simple like we do.

    My husband can't wait to settle there too. But he's only 51 so I always calm him down. Although I've got properties, but I can say he needs decent house and I can't feed him if he has no pension or we don't have stable business in the Philippines. I do like to live and move there asap. But I will make it sure that the business I am going to establish is running good and we have other income aside from that. I don't think about buying property anymore and no plan to sell any.

    Hi Steve! I have met some british in Cebu who staying in Pinas for a decade. One of them is doing scuba diving business and the other one is running a bar and restaurant. Another british who owned a pension house in Ermita and motel in Mindoro. They seem happy running their business and no plans yet in coming back to UK. I also met one dutch who own big boat for scuba and he also owns restaurant where you can find dutch beers and liquors. He is also married with filipina. Some filipinas are really good in running business. Most of the time, the wife is the industrial partner.

    Here's one of their website:

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