Hello everyone its been quite a while i havent been on but i miss you guys!!!
Been here in UK for 11 months now and i will be celebrating my 1st year anniversary this coming 23 of Feb...

Glad to be back on this site again....

If you asked me how am i doing? Well firstly, im settling well with my 3 year old daughter she started her nursery last august, we are based in Wales have meet a lot of filipinas is im very lucky to discover pinoy shop which sells 75% of our goods not bad I dont feel so deprived at all!!

I will be taking my Life in UK test this coming Dec as my visa expires in Jan time flies so fast...

I have so many plans living here in UK hopefully it will progress (thats is going back to school as they dont really recognized your diploma here, a good job and hopefully able to pass my driving test)...

I just get deppressed sometimes with the weather due to the heavy snow that took place last week, and its really cold but lately i feel fine coz the sun is out again but im expecting more freezing days to come i know its not only me who is bitching about the weather correct me if im wrong..

Cheers to everyone!!!