My pleasure, Chryss! Myrna actually got her visa in November past, because we'd originally intended to go to Paris to mark our first wedding anniversary the following month ... but ended up having to postpone our plans due to the bad weather.

However, the Spanish climate is a lot warmer than ours - especially in April - and you've chosen an ideal time to go ... so's you can celebrate Isaac's 1st birthday there, during Yujin's Easter break from school.
As regards pre-booking your holiday,

it might be worthwhile explaining to the Consulate staff [before you actually apply] that, for *obvious reasons, you'd prefer to be SURE of obtaining the visa prior to making any FIRM booking ... *just to be on the safe side ... although I honestly DON'T envisage any problems in it being granted.
Let me know how you get on ... and, should you need further assistance, please feel free to ask!