Well of course they would have to prove the phone was in the car at the time (which they should be able to do or at least in the area of the local cell)
I would also ask why the policeman did not check the phone for a call or the number of the sim in the phone, plus the imei of the phone as well.
Surely all pretty simple things for the officer of the law to do? Especially if there was a chance the issue may go to court and be the word of an police officer agaisnt another indivudal.
It would if I was a judge be very unusual of a law enforcement office not to make a note of these basic details. Which would make me suspect they may have made other mistakes.
I would have no reason to think the Officer was lying but then no reason to think they could not have been mistaken...
If they dont know what phone you own or sim if not a contract phone how the heck are they going to prove you used one? As im sure most cells have hundreds of calls, data transmissions passing though them every hour