Whle out their I was pricing up property in Singapore, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam & Malaysia, and discovered (no surprise) that anything built by a Western developer is 300%-500% more than if you bought similar off a local estate agent.

It's cheaper to purchase land in a sub division, then pay the best local builders to do your house. Also I was told to inform the builders, architects, etc, that on completion it will be inspected by a surveyor, and if the work is A1 they get a cash in hand bonus. Supposed to work a treat ;D

I expect to have somewhere sorted within 18-24 months, but still keep the property I'm in now, and work between the two. It's be nice to leave UK and go to Asia to a house also called home.

I'm also considering buying a large plot of land and building 3-4 houses on it, and have our friends live/rent/holiday there.