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Thread: Nearly a victim of a Scam, I suppose.....

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  1. #1
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    Nearly a victim of a Scam, I suppose.....

    My best friend asked me to open pay pal account for his boyfriend whom he met in the Internet, before doing so, I asked several questions. . To make the story short I agreed. Then them money was deposited to my account, ( but my paypal accont was still on hold because I didn't activate it yet, but the fund was ready .) Seeing the details of the transaction. It was from a certain Mrs.XXX of NJ. details was re: help the wild animals. I became suspicious because it seemed that I was having or running a charity. I don't solicit funds or even ask money from anybody. I spoke to my best friend, telling her that I'm not convinced , it might be a scam, I knew. He never saw the guy even in the webcam. and there were so many allibies , the guy supposed to come here in the UK to visit my friend, but due to an incident he was unable to. I cancel the transaction and told paypal to return the money to the sender.

    Even before that, the guy said that he was a dentist (volunteer) working in
    Nigeria. I suspected that he was a con. So I phoned Nigeria their headquarters and asked if a certain Mr. XXXX is a volunteer dentist in Nigeria, and to my disbelief that there was no single dentist volunteer in the Country. I told my friend . But still she won't believe me I suppose because she's still contacting this guy. MR> XXXX was so dissappointed because the transaction was cancelled. and I explained to my bfriend that I don't expect the money will be coming from America, if that's the case, Mrs. XXX of NJ can send the money directly to Mr.XXXX of Nigeria using Western Union .
    The boyriend told my friend that she doesn't know Mrs. XXX, but he said that he was dealing with a certain Mr. Daniels, who was a traveller who cannot deposit the money to my paypal account. So Mr. daniels instructed Mrs. XXXX(NJ) to pay me. I don't buy the story. Maybe their soliciting fund by running a charity or somewhat, I don't know??? But it was good that I was out of it. But my best friend was still in contact with the guy. I was telling her to be careful.

    I want to call the head Office based in Geneva , Switzerland to ask for him. I think this is possible???
    My friend believe this guy so much. Maybe she is under a spell everytime she spoke to him on the phone. Is this possibble??? Mr. XXXX maybe using some hulla balloo. So I said to my best friend that tell the guy that you wanted to see his face in the web cam, since it's X'mas . she did, but the guy said that" i don't have a webcam ", I will try to find one. Until now, I'm still convincing my best friend that the guy is a scam??
    Why trust smeone whom you never met yet particularly if it involved money.

    What do you think.???

    Mr. XXX also mentioned that all of his credit cards were expried already, that he needed to renew it personally?????
    So he really needed the money. By the way he is a volunteeer yet his eight year old son is joining him in Nigeria, (Is that possible) he said that his wife died on an plane crash>
    That his son had an accident, was in the hospital for a month and needed a theraphy because his legs were broken,. that he was being burgled, etc....

    What do you think guys????

  2. #2
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    sounds like you were being used as a go between...

    At least with Filipinos, you know that when they ask for an IOU - you have no chance to see the money again

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    If it has the word NIGERIA anywhere near it.......IT IS A SCAM 100%
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Just Be wise!
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by m@@ View Post
    Just Be wise!
    She's a woman...she can't be wise....

    Keith - Administrator

  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    london well away from those people up norf
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    If you need further proof or just a good laugh google 419 scam. 419 is the number of the law in nigeran crimnal code that trys to prevent the con artists.
    Never get involved with these people it could cost you money and there is a chance you could put yourself in danger if very unlucky.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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