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Thread: immigration matters

  1. #1
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    immigration matters


    Tough changes could hit overseas students

    By Charles Kelly

    22 January 2010

    Tough changes could hit overseas students

    Mike Baker, an education writer and broadcaster for the BBC, asks:

    Will tougher immigration rules hit overseas student recruitment?

    One of the greatest assets of UK education plc is the global importance of the English language.

    It is a great boon to British universities, boarding schools and – in particular – to the thriving sector which teaches English as a foreign language.

    It is worth billions of pounds a year to the UK economy, through direct and indirect spending by overseas students who come to Britain to study.

    Which is why there is currently a deep level of anxiety in the sector over an impending government decision, which many fear will make it much harder for students to gain visas for study in the UK. Full story

    More news at:

    Claims over Polish immigrant exodus ‘not true’

    A Polish expert on migration said on the BBC’s ‘Today’ programme this morning that claims that half of all Polish immigrants to Britain have returned home are not true.

    Wealthy migrants to be offered £15,000 fast-track UK visa renewals

    The Guardian reports that wealthy international bankers and footballers who want to extend their stay in Britain are to be offered a £15,000 premium visa renewal service as part of a massive increase in immigration fees announced by the Home Office.

    Canadian Filipino legislator calls for better treatment of OFWs

    Filipino-Canadian union activist turned legislator Mable Elmore of British Columbia, Canada, visited the Philippines to reconnect with her family and dig deeper into the reasons why Filipinos have to migrate to Canada amid exploitative conditions being imposed on migrant workers there.

    UKBA announcement on ‘charging for immigration and nationality services 2010-11’

    Minister of State for Borders and Immigration, Phil Woolas, has laid regulations in Parliament for the fees for immigration and nationality services that are set at levels above the normal administrative costs of the service, the UK Border Agency (UKBA) has announced this week.

    Eastern European immigration ‘hits low-paid Brits’

    Influx of 1.5m eastern Europeans means UK’s lowest-paid workers are earning less now, says EHRC report.

    First ShelterBoxes arrive in Port au Prince – pictures and footage

    First ShelterBoxes arrive in Port au Prince, Haiti – pictures and footage

    UKBA publish responses to charging consultation

    The UK Border Agency has published its formal response to its 2009 public consultation on the fees it charges for immigration and visa applications.

    Bishop says Lord Carey’s comments on immigration promotes racism

    The Church of England has spread throughout the world on the back of migration, sometimes enforced, and the majority of it’s active members now come from the developing world and African countries.

    Migrant group calls for ban of ‘notorious’ Saudi firm for detaining 88 OFWs

    A migrant workers’ rights group called Wednesday for the permanent banning of a Saudi Arabian conglomerate from recruiting overseas Filipino workers (OFWs), claiming that the firm has been detaining over 80 OFWs in its various warehouses after they protested against deplorable working conditions, GMA News reports.

    If you need any immigration advice or help with Studying in the UK, Settlement, Citizenship, Sponsorship, extending Work Permits, Visa or an appeal against a refusal please email: or visit

    Immigration Matters

    Clarendon House
    Shenley Road
    Borehamwood, Herts
    WD6 1AG

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizaphil View Post

    One of the greatest assets of UK education plc is the global importance of the English language.

    It is a great boon to British universities, boarding schools and – in particular – to the thriving sector which teaches English as a foreign language.

    It is worth billions of pounds a year to the UK economy, through direct and indirect spending by overseas students who come to Britain to study.
    how can someone come to the UK and study at university level when they don't speak or read English ? maybe they should test them b4 they get a visa, that should get rid of many of the fake students.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by linda View Post
    students should not be allowed to work here, it takes the jobs away from our own uk students. if they can not afford to support themselves, then they should not be here.....There are not enough jobs for the young, and UK students have to work so that they can afford to live.... If this is implemented, then we would get rid of a a lot of bogus students, who just come here to work.... When times are hard, you have too look after your own people, the ones who pay the taxes,
    what's not fair is that someone who comes on a workpermit is tied to the same type of job, yet a student can work upto 20hrs a week doing any type of job, and if they bring a 'dependent' ( husband or wife) the dependent can apply for any job and work what hours they want. so infact the dependent is probably the 'breadwinner'

    and thats not one job taken, but 2 jobs, and how many of these students don't bother going to college or uni ?

  4. #4
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    how can someone come to the UK and study at university level when they don't speak or read English ? maybe they should test them b4 they get a visa, that should get rid of many of the fake students.
    hubby said we would test theme,but we have
    HUMAN RIGHTS LOWS here in the uk

  5. #5
    Member jacqueM's Avatar
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    hello lizphil.

    hello lizaphil. i did add you in my yahoo..hope to chat you soon.thanks. god bless..;-)

  6. #6
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jacqueM View Post
    hello lizaphil. i did add you in my yahoo..hope to chat you soon.thanks. god bless..;-)
    ok thanks

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