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Thread: Our love story

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cheeky Our love story 5th February 2010, 19:40
LadyJ Brilliant love story! you... 5th February 2010, 20:39
Steve.r Great story, thanks for... 6th February 2010, 00:24
cheeky Many thanks Steve and LadyJ... 6th February 2010, 07:23
jam07 what a sweet story :love:... 6th February 2010, 07:45
yam wow i love reading your love... 6th February 2010, 08:57
pennybarry Me too hates to read novels,... 7th February 2010, 09:15
cheeky thank u so much for reading... 11th February 2010, 19:07
Florge ahhhwwww.... you must have... 6th February 2010, 15:23
cheeky Thanks to all for reading!... 6th February 2010, 21:14
aryM What a lovely story.....!... 6th February 2010, 21:39
Sim11UK Great story...I think many on... 6th February 2010, 22:42
Doc Alan Great love story , all best... 11th February 2010, 21:02
ron I just love this story. Again... 12th February 2010, 01:55
cheeky thank u so much again for all... 12th February 2010, 02:47
cheeky anyway my name is maristela... 12th February 2010, 02:49
mhaedonald hi maristela and 12th February 2010, 10:25
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  1. #1
    Respected Member cheeky's Avatar
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    Our love story

    It all started with me getting the courage to join filipino Amongst the many girls looking for a relationship one jumped out at me and guess which one....yes my fiancee Maristela.There was a certain something that I liked about her , not just her fantastic looks but after reading about her details I decided to send an e mail to invite contact.Not as easy as it sounds as she ignored my first e mail. She tells me now that it was because I had no photo and that she thought I must be crazy as I stated only looking for friendship...her words were 'what the hell is he doing on this website looking for friendship only!'

    Any way, after a few days, I sent another e mail and she realised I was persistant. So thats when she gave me a chance,she responded and we linked up via email saying hello to each other....After about 30minutes we moved onto skype...and thats been our main source of contact ever since.

    To give you an idea of how love struck we bacame on our first skype, we chatted for 9.5hours non stop, only for Maristela to go to sleep around 9a.m. in the morning philippines time....From that point onwards we have chatted every single day since, usually a couple hours in the morning before I go to work and 4-5hours in the evening when I get saturday we even spoke for 13hours...our record! God we must have it bad...hehehe.

    Anyway...let me try and make this a little interesting, lets call this chapter one of getting to meet each other....

    After a few short weeks on skype, I was in manila on a business trip and we scheduled to meet the first morning that I arrived at the hotel. An experience in itself as Maristela kept me waiting for about 2 hours or so not quite sure if she was going to turn up. I was waiting by the taxi rank at the hotel, and must have watched a 100taxis pull up, someone else getout and drive away..each time I looked as the taxi drove towards me, looking for the figure of maristela to be sat in the back....remember I ahad never met maristela to this point, so not quite certain if I'd recognise her straight her way because real life can be a little different to photos or skype...You can imagine how I was feeling after 2 hours, heart pounding, wondering if this was going to work out alright, would she like me when sees me in person...I was certain I was going to like her.........then a banged up taxi rolled in, like most taxis in manila, the ones that tell u they have air conditioning on the side, but in reality, not much fresh air inside....

    Once the taxi pulled up...this tiny figure got out the back....a small asian brown eyed black hair girl, only 5ft 1inch tall....what she did not have in size she had in beauty....stunning, unbelievably gorgous women smiling right at me....I could not believe my eyes....she walked right over to me, smiled a smile to die for and grabbed my hand....we quickly kissed, said, 'Hi' ......At last Contact had been made......................

    Next chapter if anyone is when I met the eldest sister who happens to be a Police women...and boy did I know about it!

  2. #2
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Brilliant love story! you know what i really hate reading long story apart from like this.
    This kind of story makes me feel happy just like watching a love story movies

    I hope you and Maristella a best of luck in the future...and pls do continue to post about your story.. it seems like more interesting to know your next chapter about Maristela's sister
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  3. #3
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Great story, thanks for sharing. I wish you the best of luck together.


  4. #4
    Respected Member cheeky's Avatar
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    Many thanks Steve and LadyJ for your kind comments....we will post the 2nd instalment of this story over the weekend...

  5. #5
    Respected Member jam07's Avatar
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    what a sweet story thank you for sharing... definitely want to hear the next story

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jam07 View Post
    what a sweet story thank you for sharing... definitely want to hear the next story

    we're all waiting for your future one JAM

    you'll not be seeing mine on here, more of a horror story and the wife would

    but maybe you could buy the book one day ... if i don't forget everything

  7. #7
    Respected Member yam's Avatar
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    wow i love reading your love story can't wait to read more of your story soon heheh goodluck to you both

  8. #8
    Respected Member cheeky's Avatar
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    our love story.....chapter 2

    Well after a fabulous first day together we decided to round things off with dinner , we went to go to the Abe Restaurant at the Fort...filipino food so a new experience for me...going out as a couple was a fab feeling and I am sure anyone whoever saw us could see the light of love beaming in our faces..

    We enjoyed a really cosy meal together and already started to talk about ourselves as a real couple.Trouble was it was about 730p.m. when we finished our meal and Maristela's sister would be expecting her back in the house. At this stage I was blissfully unaware of what events were unfolding that would potentially turn our new realationship upside down even before it had started. Like love struck teenagers we said our goodbyes and after I was dropped off back at the hotel, maristela continued back home..........that night I sat lonely in the hotel room, all I could think about was you guessed it, my new love was all consuming...and my thoughts were just all about seeing her again the following morning around 9a.m...

    Well morning came and as planned I waited at the hotel reception for her arrival...and waited and exageration it was nearly lunch time and despite numerous telephone calls without success Maristela had still not turned up....what was I to think...I kept trying to telephone her mobile, and after feeling that this was hopeless, I got throiugh....maristela was crying...she said we could not see each other jaw the rug had been pulled from beneath new love taken away before we had even got to know each other....She told me that her sister had forbidden us to meet again. It only took me a minute to realise that this was not going to stop me , so I asked for the reception to write it down and order me a taxi. The race to find maristela began.....I jumped in the tax and off we went....the address was in makaiti city and after about 30minutes of going around in circles, I spotted maristela waiting at the side of the road.....we pulled up,she jumped in and we off went to her house.....

    There were lots of narrow walkways....but eventually we came to the house....maristela went inside and then asked me to come in and sit a naugthtly schoolboy I sat there for 20minutes waiting for the sister to come out from the bedroom....(background -Maristela lives with 3 sisters and 2 nieces, her father lives in siargao and her mother died when she was 3 years old, so the eldest sister was the leader of the household).

    I could see her sister pacing up and down in the bedroom through the ajar door, then she came out and sat in front of felt like 5 minutes before she uttered a single word...with a very dissapproving face she asked what were my intentions...was I going to marry Maristela? I said what!...I had only just met her...i could not answer that question......I soon realised what it was like to be interigated by a filipino police women, very strong woman no messing I can tell you. I was asked a series of questions all aimed at testing my intentions to her younger sister.......Throughout this ordeal maristela was standing crying one minute and then smiling the next hoping that all work out ok...After an hour or so, I could gradually see her expressions softening and she even started to ask me general questions about me and what I do.....I guess I had just been through the ' are you a suitable boyfriend' test ......and I must have passed!! so much so I was asked to stay for lunch with the whole my integration into filipino family life had begun........

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadyJ View Post
    Brilliant love story! you know what i really hate reading long story apart from like this.
    This kind of story makes me feel happy just like watching a love story movies

    I hope you and Maristella a best of luck in the future...and pls do continue to post about your story.. it seems like more interesting to know your next chapter about Maristela's sister
    Me too hates to read novels, long story but this one makes me feel exciting.

    When I first met my husband in Holland, I was hiding behind a big post.
    He grabbed my hands and felt me more scary.
    It was my friend Cynthia who spoke with my husband first.

  10. #10
    Respected Member cheeky's Avatar
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    thank u so much for reading our love fiance will be back here in the philippines for the fifth times im very excited coz he will fly tomorrow and be here saturday i can't sleep thinking about it hehehehehhe so excited coz i haven't seen him for 6 weeks...i can't wait to see him again and to have a normal sleep at last i can sleep in a normal time for 10 days i bought him a big valentines card and i show it to him in skype and he is very excited to read it...


  11. #11
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    ahhhwwww.... you must have passed the test... don't worry... they will love you... my husband also went through the same.. our clan's matriach did that and got her approval.. actually, he had the approval when he greeted the elders with a "mano"... next time, do that to the father and the other older relatives ... good luck.. and oh, welcome to the forum by the way!

  12. #12
    Respected Member cheeky's Avatar
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    Thanks to all for reading!
    Will keep you posted on our progress

  13. #13
    Respected Member aryM's Avatar
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    What a lovely story.....! Most Filipino families are like that.... "Close family ties" a great Filipino culture. Goodluck to both of you!

  14. #14
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Great story...I think many on here, have an interesting story to tell...extreme highs, extreme lows & everything in between.

  15. #15
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    Great love story , all best wishes for your future together

  16. #16
    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    I just love this story. Again thanks for sharing this with us all. Wish you both lots of happiness and future together


  17. #17
    Respected Member cheeky's Avatar
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    thank u so much again for all the comments. our love story is full of drama and suspense. where just so thankful that we found this website so we can share this and ask questions...i just hope that the divorce of colin will be finalize soon so we can start our application for fiance visa...its just getting harder everyday of being miles away its getting tough....saying goodbye in the airport is just so so happy that he will be back here tomorrow but at the same time im sad thinking when im gonna see him again after this trip.... im so proud to all the filipina who managed to get through all this...all the sleepless night and the stress of application.....i wish i could be there soon so colin will be very happy and i can cook for him coz he is only eating sandwich everyday lol hehehehehe.

  18. #18
    Respected Member cheeky's Avatar
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    anyway my name is maristela and my fiances name is colin...

  19. #19
    Respected Member mhaedonald's Avatar
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    hi maristela and was such a nice love story...Thanks for sharing this inspired me to write my own while my husband is away from work!!...goodluck!best wishes
    Donald16Mhae ::

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