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  1. #1
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Sex tourists

    Now I know we usually frown on guys who go to South East Asia just looking for sex, but I wonder if there are any guys on here who'd admit to going down that "sex tourist" road but met a nice girl, fell in love, married a Filipina and never looked back?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavanddal View Post
    Now I know we usually frown on guys who go to South East Asia just looking for sex, but I wonder if there are any guys on here who'd admit to going down that "sex tourist" road but met a nice girl, fell in love, married a Filipina and never looked back?
    Nope, not me. First went to the Philippines to work for PLDT, met lots of nice people, didn't get married and always try to look forward.

  3. #3
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavanddal View Post
    Now I know we usually frown on guys who go to South East Asia just looking for sex, but I wonder if there are any guys on here who'd admit to going down that "sex tourist" road but met a nice girl, fell in love, married a Filipina and never looked back?
    how about you

    being a sex tourist didnt interest me, beside's the people who work in that trade put no emotion or feeling's into it as it's just a job to them.

    what make's it worse is when you see all the guy's looking the same fat, bold,beer and smoking moron's.
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    ... beside's the people who work in that trade put no emotion or feeling's into it as it's just a job to them.

    what make's it worse is when you see all the guy's looking the same fat, bold,beer and smoking moron's.
    Completely agree. At the root of the problem is poverty. There's said to be 600,000 people working as prostitutes in the Philippines. I would be very cautious about criticising them as they may argue there is no other work available. But it's a dangerous occupation with the risks of violence and sexually transmitted diseases ( both for prostitutes and "clients"). At least "webcam models" don't run those risks ... but as with prostitutes, it's a job for them, just an act, and more fool those who pay to watch their "shows".

  5. #5
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    I find it a quite sad when you see some of the profile pics of girls on dating sites where they have quite revealing clothes (what there was of them) and you can see from the background in the pics that their surroundings are quite poor. Being how bad/pervy some guys can be anyway with girls who have just normal profile pics, it makes we wonder the type of guys that these more revealing profile pics are attracting? But maybe some of these girls are so poor and desperate, that they don't care about what type of guy they are attracting as long as is someone?

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by South-east boy View Post
    I find it a quite sad when you see some of the profile pics of girls on dating sites where they have quite revealing clothes (what there was of them) and you can see from the background in the pics that their surroundings are quite poor. Being how bad/pervy some guys can be anyway with girls who have just normal profile pics, it makes we wonder the type of guys that these more revealing profile pics are attracting? But maybe some of these girls are so poor and desperate, that they don't care about what type of guy they are attracting as long as is someone?
    , Tim ... the very thought, makes ME cringe!

  7. #7
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Even more sad/worrying when they are only 18/19. I guess some could even be younger as you only have to say that you are over 18.

  8. #8
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    how about you

    Nah, never went to the Phils before I met my Dalyn. Besides I couldn't go with someone who'd had hundreds of sexual partners, yuk! Let's just say that girls who've had none are preferable.

  9. #9
    Respected Member sparky's Avatar
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    all very PC on here then by the looks of it BUT there are many types of sex tourist who come looking for different things

    let me tell you many part of thailand would be a lot poorer without the money that comes from this sex tourism especially in places like Isaan in the north east of thailand and i guess that could go for many parts of the philippines as well.

    the PC brigade will tut tut and try and lecture on its evils- and yes to a certain extent i agree with some of what they say especially regarding underage etc
    but a lot of guys have met their wives an gf's this way and are very happy.

    i have been to places like Pattaya and AC and seen this sex tourism first hand but i have also been upcountry and seen the benefits western money can bring to a family/village/community.

    i could go on and on about this subject but i guess my stay on the board wouldnt last long if i did

    all sex toursits are not bad guys is all i will say

  10. #10
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparky View Post
    all very PC on here then by the looks of it BUT there are many types of sex tourist who come looking for different things

    let me tell you many part of thailand would be a lot poorer without the money that comes from this sex tourism especially in places like Isaan in the north east of thailand and i guess that could go for many parts of the philippines as well.

    the PC brigade will tut tut and try and lecture on its evils- and yes to a certain extent i agree with some of what they say especially regarding underage etc
    but a lot of guys have met their wives an gf's this way and are very happy.

    i have been to places like Pattaya and AC and seen this sex tourism first hand but i have also been upcountry and seen the benefits western money can bring to a family/village/community.

    i could go on and on about this subject but i guess my stay on the board wouldnt last long if i did

    all sex toursits are not bad guys is all i will say
    let's get this right, you can't get any here, so you go to a poor foreign country and pay for sex with women who have no choice because their stuck in poverty?

    why's this thread PC if you have something to say, say it.

    so are you or was you a sex tourist?
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post

    so are you or was you a sex tourist?
    Stop touting for Business

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    let's get this right, you can't get any here, so you go to a poor foreign country and pay for sex with women who have no choice because their stuck in poverty?

    why's this thread PC if you have something to say, say it.

    so are you or was you a sex tourist?
    Have you ever been to most of the cities in the UK?
    Sex is for sale everywhere, just look at the adverts in the tabloids and observe what people do.

    I would have thought that if somebody wanted sex, they wouldn't have to fly to get it.
    Just go into any bar in the UK too and wait until it is close to closing time when everybody is tanked up.
    Sex is everywhere and always has been.

    And besides, prostitution is not a new profession........

  13. #13
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    Nah, no PC brigade here. I think everyone will agree with you about the money it brings. But there are good and bad things the sex trade brings to south east asia.

    But the bad can often be people trafficking and slavery

    To be honest, I think we have discussed it many times on here how a woman with a few kids to look after in Pinas or Thailand who goes into prostitution should not be looked down on, she is after all a fighter in many ways. But it is simply a shame that the country is so poor that sex tourism is a contributing part of the economy!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    ...But it is simply a shame that the country is so poor that sex tourism is a contributing part of the economy!
    I agree. I wonder how poor the country would be without the corruption and whether the sex trade would then be as necessary in it's role of propping up the economy.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparky View Post
    all very PC on here...

    the PC brigade will tut tut and try and lecture on its evils
    Nobody's trying to lecture, just giving facts and honest opinions on a public forum. Of course you're entitled to your own opinion

  16. #16
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    You come across a lot of the old fellas in Ayala in Cebu who live and thrive on the sex scene, its obviously prevailant. You'll also find the Filipina girls in bars in Hong Kong, Singapore etc.
    A good book to read, which is about a completely different culture, but the essentials are the same is 'Private Dancer', its free to download/read online

    Well worth a read.

  17. #17
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavanddal View Post
    Now .....I wonder if there are any guys on here who'd admit to going down that "sex tourist" road ....
    I tried it once but didn't make any money

    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    .... You'll also find the Filipina girls in bars in Hong Kong, Singapore etc. ......
    ......or any other country on the planet..... and girls also from every country on the planet.......

    Filipina's are a small part of the world sex trade.

    The most common destinations for victims of human trafficking are Thailand, Japan, Israel, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Turkey and the US, according to a report by the UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime).
    The major sources of trafficked persons include Thailand, China, Nigeria, Albania, Bulgaria, Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine.
    Keith - Administrator

  18. #18
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I tried it once but didn't make any money
    i have wondered where i have seen you before
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  19. #19
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    Nope, like BABs says it's going to be a pretty meaningless experience so whats the point in pay for it

  20. #20
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    In all honesty, the amount of money that 'prostitution' bring into the Philippines is very little in comparison to the general OFW input, and when compared to Thailand it's a very small business. Whilst some of the filipina girls who go abroad within asia expecting to be 'Entertainers' suddenly find that to earn the money they have to offer extra, its still not mega money coming into the country. As for getting involved with a sex worker and falling in love, well... Would you get involved with a girl in prostitution in England? Generally the girl will be from a rougher, tougher, possibly drug related background and it's quite naive to expect a 'Pretty Woman' scenario will work, and would imagine that many of the failed/horror story anglo-asian marriages are with bar girls/sexy girls (mostly Thai). Obviously in some occasions something good comes out as a result, but I would think thats the exception rather then the rule.

  21. #21
    Respected Member sparky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    In all honesty, the amount of money that 'prostitution' bring into the Philippines is very little in comparison to the general OFW input, and when compared to Thailand it's a very small business. Whilst some of the filipina girls who go abroad within asia expecting to be 'Entertainers' suddenly find that to earn the money they have to offer extra, its still not mega money coming into the country. As for getting involved with a sex worker and falling in love, well... Would you get involved with a girl in prostitution in England? Generally the girl will be from a rougher, tougher, possibly drug related background and it's quite naive to expect a 'Pretty Woman' scenario will work, and would imagine that many of the failed/horror story anglo-asian marriages are with bar girls/sexy girls (mostly Thai). Obviously in some occasions something good comes out as a result, but I would think thats the exception rather then the rule.
    some of the nicest people i have met are " prositutes" and would trust them more than a lot of people here in the UK. the drugs thing is tosh- yes there are drugs surrounding prostitution but a lot of girls wouldnt dream of touching them- the same as in a "normal" enviromentthe same as some unfortunatly choose to go down that route

    interesting you quote the failed marraiges an in particular thais

    there is a big difference between thais and filipinos

    thais are brainwashed from a very early age to think that thailand is the centre of the universe and everywhere else is a poor 2nd and everyone else espercially "farang" is worse than 2nd class. therefore take a thai girl out of thailand (also a lot of other cultural issues ,dont get me wrong) and generally they dont adapt very well.

    the filipinas -again generally -want to get out of the country/poverty and are happy to relocate

    if you could see any figures i would guarantee that western/thai marraiges would have a lot higher failure rate than western/pinay ones

  22. #22
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    Unfortunately drugs and prostitution do seem to go hand in hand quite often. I know this because an old friend of mine worked the "mash van". They went round the street girls and gave them free needles and condoms to try and limit HIV in Manchester.

    When I say there are over 50 brothels in Manchester, I also mean the surrounding areas (Greater Manchester). The Mash team go into these brothels giving the girls vaccinations as well as advice and support. The brothels they do not get access to will generally get raided as it is often the case that sex slaves are hidden in places that just do not want outside interference.

    Keith is correct that the whole industry needs to be legalized and controlled! The problems that would end overnight if only licensed brothels could be operated and any unlicensed brothels meant serious jail time for the owners, then perhaps the trade in kidnapped girls would end.

  23. #23
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Nothing wrong with prostitution, and the sooner they legalize it and get them tested the better for everyone concerned... (plus more tax for Brown).

    What needs to be controlled is those run by gangs who bring women in on false pretences, kidnappings, etc, and force them into prostitution.
    Keith - Administrator

  24. #24
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    it's not only tourists that abuse women, the local men do to..

    a few programs everyone should watch

    The Lens: Selling Sex in Heaven (part 1 of 5)

    Mila works at Heaven, a little bar located in "bxxxjob alley", a notorious magnet for sex tourists in more...the Philippines. Like many young women forced into prostitution, Mila hopes that she'll be rescued from Heaven and taken to America for a better life. Narrated by actor Kiefer Sutherland, Selling Sex in Heaven is a heartbreaking documentary that examines the sex trade industry in the Philippines and how this nasty but lucrative business traps many young women.

    Told through the eyes of two female Canadian students and a male university professor from Nova Scotia now living in the Philippines, Selling Sex in Heaven captures two years of Mila's life and the people who befriend her. Witness the complexity of prostitution and the conflicting attitudes of people affected by this demeaning industry, including prostitutes, community workers and even client


    Reports on the issues of contraception and abortion in the Philippines, the latter being illegal. Looks at how the huge numbers of dangerous backstreet abortions and how women in poverty unable to cope with large families are desperate for contraceptive and abortion access. Against this also looks at the concerted efforts and campaigns by the Catholic Church against both these, and how they are also backed by US right-wing Christian groups. The latter are influencing President Bush into stopping foreign aid to clinics which give contraceptive advice.

    My Boyfriend The Sex Tourist - Thailand part 1

    and a warning on internet brides from that Jeremy kyle

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Nothing wrong with prostitution, and the sooner they legalize it and get them tested the better for everyone concerned... (plus more tax for Brown).

    What needs to be controlled is those run by gangs who bring women in on false pretences, kidnappings, etc, and force them into prostitution.
    Easier said than done! Legalizing it is up to the elected government. Testing (for sexually transmitted diseases) means prostitutes, clients, and contact tracing. Control / prosecution for human trafficking applies to the perpetrators/pimps and those who knowingly buy the trafficked person.

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    Coming here restored my self esteem, after a huge kick in the proverbial s, to find out that yes I can love and be loved in return. So whatever route you take
    good for you. there are predators out there (of both sexes) and i ignore/avoid as much as possible

  27. #27
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    some of the nicest people i have met are " prositutes" and would trust them more than a lot of people here in the UK. the drugs thing is tosh- yes there are drugs surrounding prostitution but a lot of girls wouldnt dream of touching them- the same as in a "normal" enviromentthe same as some unfortunatly choose to go down that route
    Actually that is not strictly true...Well not here in the P.I anyway.
    We used to own a manicure pedicure/dress shop in Ermita and the bar girls there used to swill a bottle of cough medicine each before dancing,,Some had adverse medical effects like huge rashes all over their bodies..
    Most of them were also addicted to shabu.. Thats another story.

  28. #28
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    some of the nicest people i have met are " prositutes"
    Of course they're going to be nice, its part of their job to be nice to the customers

  29. #29
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    first of all most men that use prostituties in the philippines arent western men anyway.they are filipinos.and there would be many people in the philippines that would say any western man that went their to start a relationship is taking advantage of a women.dont suppose that matters does it so long as you dont say you went to ac/or pattaya.i think certain people should think twice before calling SPARKY.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by tuft249 View Post
    first of all most men that use prostituties in the philippines arent western men anyway.they are filipinos.and there would be many people in the philippines that would say any western man that went their to start a relationship is taking advantage of a women.dont suppose that matters does it so long as you dont say you went to ac/or pattaya.i think certain people should think twice before calling SPARKY.

    such *******s...!!!

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