No, the sex tourism industry will always be around. Even if we got the rest of the world up to the same level as the west in terms of wealth and public infrastructure. The reason is because men will always buy sex, no matter how much the cost is.
Here in Manchester, there are over 50 brothels

I doubt they contain women who need to send money back home (although a few might), but are filled with women from all walks of life. Yet here in the UK many will tell you there is no need to sell your body for sex, but there are many who choose to do so. And the money is there to be made! So sex tourism will never end in south east Asia, so long as western men want to have easy sex with Asian women.
But one of the worst parts of this (to me). Is the lack of respect that many of these men show to the women of these countries they frequent. The term LBFM is commonly used to describe Thai or Filipino women, it stands for "little brown f****** machines".