In all honesty, the amount of money that 'prostitution' bring into the Philippines is very little in comparison to the general OFW input, and when compared to Thailand it's a very small business. Whilst some of the filipina girls who go abroad within asia expecting to be 'Entertainers' suddenly find that to earn the money they have to offer extra, its still not mega money coming into the country. As for getting involved with a sex worker and falling in love, well... Would you get involved with a girl in prostitution in England? Generally the girl will be from a rougher, tougher, possibly drug related background and it's quite naive to expect a 'Pretty Woman' scenario will work, and would imagine that many of the failed/horror story anglo-asian marriages are with bar girls/sexy girls (mostly Thai). Obviously in some occasions something good comes out as a result, but I would think thats the exception rather then the rule.