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Thread: You couldn't make this one up.....

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  1. #1
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    Question You couldn't make this one up.....

    I wasn't quite sure wether to post this one in the Humour section of the forum, as I wasn't really wanting to start a rant on the subject....

    But here it goes.....

    An Iraqi immigrant who stabbed to death two NHS doctors has won the right to stay in Britain, it is being reported. An immigration judge ruled Laith Alani, a 41-year-old paranoid schizophrenic, could pose a danger to people in his homeland, the Sunday Telegraph reports.

    Personally, and I suppose quite a lot of other people would agree with me on this, I don't care what happens to him and what danger he could pose to people in his homeland, once he lands in Iraq....
    He is one of their lot, let them sort him out....

    Unfortunately there is more ..... To do with "yuman rites" and all that blarney...

    Who signed up to that charter, then...?

  2. #2
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    public enemy no 1

    I am a white, single, beer drinking, (ex) smoker car driving straight guy, therefore I'm public enemy number one. Hence I'm in The Philippines

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by arkwright View Post
    Hence I'm in The Philippines
    Canna blame you for doing that....

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    The Criteria for a Deportation Order
    A foreign national may be made the subject of a deportation order for a number of reasons. These include:

    * The Secretary of State believes that is in the interests of the public good that the foreign national is removed from the UK; i think killing 2 doctors, it is in the interest of the public good he is deported.

    An immigration judge ruled Laith Alani, a 41-year-old paranoid schizophrenic, could pose a danger to people in his homeland, the Sunday Telegraph reports

    doesn't this judge know the law , the secretary of state should have the power to over rule judges,

    Deportation After a Criminal Conviction

    If a foreign national is convicted of a criminal offence which results in a prison sentence they are liable to be deported when they are released for prison. In some cases the sentencing judge will recommend that the individual be deported at the same time as he sentences them to prison.

    The more serious the offence, the more likely a judge is to recommend that the foreign national be deported. Whether or not a judge has recommended deportation, when a foreign national is approaching the end of their sentence the Prison Service should notify the immigration authorities of his impending release. This should be done sufficiently far in advance so that preparations for deportation can be commenced in good time.

    In cases where no recommendation for deportation was made by the sentencing judge a foreign national should be considered for deportation if he received a prison sentence of longer than one year, or two years in the case of a European citizen. In deciding whether a foreign national should be deported after he has served his sentence the immigration authorities will take into account the offender’s age, his links to the UK and the seriousness of his offence.

    his human rights

  5. #5
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    Mel and I hav been watching the UK border force force on the tv, it is unbelievable how many people try to get here illegally and play the I am only 15 or my life is in danger back home card. It also has to be said that the papers like the Sun fuel the public anger with regards to the finatics in this country preaching hatred towards the West and are receiving public funds. I have say the human rights laws in this country has gone bonkers. That was one thing that was good about the Philippines, they will welcome you as a guest as long as you behave in an appropriate manner, otherwise you are out on yer !

  6. #6
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    It also has to be said that the papers like the Sun fuel the public anger with regards to the finatics in this country preaching hatred towards the West and are receiving public funds.
    Your spot on there they do love to stir things up.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    [SIZE=4]I wasn't quite sure wether to post this one in the Humour section of the forum, as I wasn't really wanting to start a rant on the subject....

    I think you should have done (stuck it in humour) - the latest example of what a farce this country has become

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I think you should have done (stuck it in humour) - the latest example of what a farce this country has become
    or the 'dom and dedworth' section

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    or the 'dom and dedworth' section

    It is really shocking that an eyetie like me cares more about the state "your" country is in, than the indigenous dwellers....

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    It is really shocking that an eyetie like me cares more about the state "your" country is in, than the indigenous dwellers....
    i'm right behind you dom, the judges in this country put the human rights of the convicted before those of the innocent citizens

  11. #11
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    This is what is so ridiculous! Look at what we have to go through to get a Filipina Wife/Fiance/Girlfriend over here who will behave like the perfect citizen, and they allow someone like that to stay!

  12. #12
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    So deportation would infringe his HUMAN RIGHTS? What about the RIGHT TO LIVE of the doctors he *killed? And by *doing so ... having deprived the forcibly bereaved families of THEIR right have their loved ones remain alive!

    I realise this might seem an odd comparison but, say for example, someone overstayed the validity period of his or her tourist/visitor's visa; based on the assumption that he/she is ... sooner or later ... likely to be exposed, then THAT person WOULD be immediately deported ... WITHOUT the 'human rights' plea even entering the equation. It's a system!

  13. #13
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Singapore : If they don't execute the prisoner for murder then they sure as hell send him straight back to the country he came from on the day of his release (or her).

    Even for misdemeanor's any immigrants are deported, as it is part of the conditions to obey all laws. Break one and you're out within 24hrs.

    Now that's how it should be done.
    Keith - Administrator

  14. #14
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Singapore : If they don't execute the prisoner for murder then they sure as hell send him straight back to the country he came from on the day of his release (or her).

    Even for misdemeanor's any immigrants are deported, as it is part of the conditions to obey all laws. Break one and you're out within 24hrs.

    Now that's how it should be done.
    totally ... it's the implicit duty of EVERY foreign national - be he/she a visitor or emigrant - in a country other than his/her own, to abide by the laws of that country, or face the consequences.

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