Thanks for your thoughts on the matter friends!
My main worry is just feeling bad in the face of what in all likelihood does feel like a genuine situation - I expect later down the line I'd be thanking my conscience for being cautious if it does all go t%ts up, but for the moment I'm going with something like your line on this I think SouthEastBoy. Wait and see. I take your point that Facebook isn't "immune" or that she doesn't have a possible impression of westerners as more wealthy, but she is aware that it has been a fiscal stretch for me to visit her, so she must surely be at least slightly aware that I'm likely not loaded (and also perhaps sees that my heart is therefore genuine, and seeking the "real thing" - I've told her already that I'm not after a "disrespectful holiday fling" - none of this aspect could have been made clearer to her).
Joe, point taken on visiting ASAP. I felt like this when we stated a mutual interest in getting together - I fully expected it to be more like October 2010 or even April 2011 before we could make it happen but I made every effort to make it as early as I could, and I'm going on first week of April - as sure a sign of intent and genuine commitment from me towards the friendship as I could muster, beyond mere words (more advice from the forum which I took to heart, about cultural matters of talk being considered cheap and Filipino's appreciating actions to back words up). I have to take her word for it, but when we were discussing our relationship status in a past email she told me that she had been "boyfriend"-less for three years to date and that she was waiting for the right person. She is also aware from my words that she is the only woman I am courting (this is true, incidentally). As I say, the plan is to get together with her to provide a way for us both to prove our relationship in what I like to call the "real world".
For me here, today, it's all about me trying to be comfortable with my own stance in the face of questions, which she maybe can't provide a good enough answer to without body language and eye contact to back it up. She shouldn't have any doubts as to my own integrity - I've expressed both undying respect and a willingness to meet her parents.
I reiterate again that she hasn't actually asked for anything - it's just me "seeing" a perceived implication, and she hasn't had a "shopping list" of things she would like in any past conversation either.