Hi Iain,

I have seen this girl on webcam my friend - we did do a yahoo messenger connection and I saw her clear as day - for some unknown reason I couldn't do anything to get my webcam to connect at her end (I am an IT tech as it happens, and there was nothing I could do to remedy the situation). The guy presumably running the place at the other end did appear to have a poke about but it didn't happen, so we continued as we did and haven't really had an opportunity to mess about since - all that happened just prior to her having to disappear to the province to help her mom. As contact has been a litle spurious since then I suppose we haven't really had a chance or thought on to try again. I agree that it would be the best way of doing it but as she is reliant on cafe's for our contact it has I suppose been easier (not to mention tricky because of the sporadic contact) to not try again and just concentrate on that which has worked reliably for us thus far. I agree that perhaps we should have a go again (I had thought that recently), if we can get some regular contact going again now she's back in Manila. To be honest man, it wouldn't surprise me to find that they have a better than average quality of public connection provision over there than we do here, knowing the priorities we seem to have in the UK when it comes to good broadband (lol).