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Thread: mr r a browning

  1. #1
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    mr r a browning

    hi,i would like some advice on wiether agencies processing visa application are viable.i am intending to apply for a fiancee visa and have heard mixed reports on agencies handling cases.i would welcome feedback.also,are there available a comprehensive quide available that states all the relevant documents you need.

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by richard1959 View Post
    hi,i would like some advice on wiether agencies processing visa application are viable.i am intending to apply for a fiancee visa and have heard mixed reports on agencies handling cases.i would welcome feedback.also,are there available a comprehensive quide available that states all the relevant documents you need.
    , Richard. Some people on here, swear by the use of agencies to handle their visa applications ... others say they "wouldn't touch them with a barge pole!". I suppose a lot depends on the quality of the agency selected. But personally, I doubt if there's any real need to engage their services if an applicant follows the instructions [provided] carefully ... and "to the letter" ... and I certainly shouldn't imagine it's likely to affect the outcome ... one way or the other.

  3. #3
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    good evening ARTHUR thanks for the advicehe .a brief history i tried nearly 2 years ago to get my now fiancee over here on a business visa without success,i guess i was a little nieve.we have continued to be in touch every day since.i have been to see her twice in in the last 7 months.this time i realize that there are a lot of documents i have to provide and supporting evidence.i am sure i have the relevant in tact but iis there any other check lists available for both parties apart from guidelines issued by the embassey kind regards richard

  4. #4
    Respected Member filipina_owl's Avatar
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    Hi richard. My husband paid an agency for my spouse visa which cost 50k pesos. I wouldn't recommend you in hiring one because you can get all the help and advice in this forum. Obviously, the agency was after all a ripped off. We paid them in full even before the start of the process but they were full of crap and b***s*** The process was so slow and they gave us requirements which are not needed. I was already a member of this forum that time but i wasn't that active so it was too late when some members of the forum advise me that i can do it by myself. We hired the agency because we wanted to make sure that we will not be refused especially that i am expecting and that i have had 2 previous visa denials in applying for a student visa for the US 7 years ago. (Although previous refusals has no bearing when you make a new application.)The agency promise this and that, etc. So we eventually we were to believed and fall with their sales talk.

    But anyway, what's done is done. I got my spouse visa after all but i would say, we did the 95% of the effort. But if my husband didn't keep on calling them and make follow ups and gets angry on the phone, we wouldn't have gotten the visa in time. But i'd say charge to experience. At least we got the visa although we lost 50k pesos.

    So please please dont hire any agency ok, they're all a ripped off, trust me on this. You will regret it. You can do it on your own. Just make sure you have all the documents needed and you will be fine and that your fiance will get her visa. Visit the vfs site and search on the forum and you will get answers from our members here. Goodluck on your application.

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by richard1959 View Post
    good evening ARTHUR thanks for the advicehe .a brief history i tried nearly 2 years ago to get my now fiancee over here on a business visa without success,i guess i was a little nieve.we have continued to be in touch every day since.i have been to see her twice in in the last 7 months.this time i realize that there are a lot of documents i have to provide and supporting evidence.i am sure i have the relevant in tact but iis there any other check lists available for both parties apart from guidelines issued by the embassey kind regards richard
    There ARE ... and HAVE BEEN ... a considerable number of helpful posts on the subject. One I can call to mind ... and of particular relevance ... was entitled 'Fiance(e) Visa - hope it helps'; it ran to two pages! Alas, I cannot seem to locate it ... which meant I had to delete an earlier reply I sent you recommending it for consultation purposes.

    So, in the circumstances, I would suggest you try using the forum's 'Search' facility ... to be found 3rd from the right, in the green bar at the top of this page: simply type in the words 'fiance(e) visa - checklist', then click 'Go', for a list of related threads on the topic, and scroll down as appropriate.

    Interestingly, in the interim, someone has posted a response as a rather dire warning against the pitfalls [and expense] of hiring an agency (albeit for processing her spouse visa). And, as I myself implied previously, the instructions accompanying the Application Form are straightforward enough to follow.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    if your visa app is straight forward, (even if it wasn't !) i wouldn't use an agency, never have and never will, don't trust an agency to do your work, get your visa app right first time, last thing you want is the pain of a refusal and waiting for an appeal or re-applying,

    it's pretty straight forward to do, everything you need to do can be found on here and not many have been refused a fiancée or spouse visa on here

  7. #7
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    Hi richard1959,

    I agree with the other replies.

    Do it yourselves.

    Spend some time searching through posts on this forum and ask questions if something is not clear to you.

    Just remember that a fiancee visa will not allow your lady to work in the UK.

    A spousal visa will allow her to look for work in the UK.

    Brgds and good luck.

  8. #8
    Respected Member scottishbride's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by richard1959 View Post
    hi,i would like some advice on wiether agencies processing visa application are viable.i am intending to apply for a fiancee visa and have heard mixed reports on agencies handling cases.i would welcome feedback.also,are there available a comprehensive quide available that states all the relevant documents you need.
    I agree with them.. Don't hire or use any Agencies they will just rip you off. Like others here, I did not use Agency to apply for spouse visa. We did it on our own. Good luck!

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    thanks for the advice everyone you have convinced me.

  10. #10
    Respected Member mike1's Avatar
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    o not waste you money on agencies , alot of the members on this forum have done it including myself , have a good read of all the posts concerning fiancee visa on here and you should not have a problem

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