well, with my own observation everytime I send my son to school. Parents are very caring and sweet with their children. which is good and it can be bad aswell. they speak to them very calmly and in soft voice.
i've seen some kids shouting with their parents, throwing their school bag at them, etc. then the parent will just ignore her/him or won't even get mad. they will treat them the same way as they treat them when they are doing good. so kids think being good/bad is the same thing. with us Filipinos this is a 'BIG NO'. a child can't shout at us or throw things. or else he/she will be in 'BIG TROUBLE'. this is how a child build respect to their parents and elders. once you showed them that they can't do everything they want and that your word is more powerful than theirs then they learn how to respect.
i've seen kids in PI that are smoking and drinking at the young age aswell... so wether here or PI, it depends on the upbringing of the parents. It's just more obvious here coz kids here are not afraid with their parents while in PI they do vices secretly. also kids in PI can't say 'NO' with their parents. they have to do whatever we ask them to do without asking questions.
and children here are becoming more independent at young age. while in PI we are very clingy with our parents or family. 18yrs. old for us still young while here it's already adult.
sometimes when my son answers me 'yes' seems like there's something missing... he used to say 'opo' or 'po', but answering 'yes' now makes it lil' bit disrespectful but that's the way it is.
the thing with us Filipinos we baby our kids so much, meaning we don't really teach them how to be independent.

how many British guys here still cuddle and kiss their Mum? or sits and lie down their head on their mum's lap?