this is a different case... there's a saying 'tell me who your firends are and I'll tell you who you are'. I totally disagree with this.
When I was a teenager my relatives hates me coz I always go out with my barkadas. They always say I'll be just like them patapon. which I proven them wrong. I've been surrounded with different people. Disco, parties, cigarrettes, alcohols and even drugs. I used to smoke and drink but I never tried drugs. My friends always offer me cannabis and different sort of drugs. I just say 'NO'. In drinking when I feel tipsy or dizzy I stop. Smoking? i can smoke and just stop anytime.
My mum never stop me going with my friends/barkadas because she trusts me. And bec. of that trust I've been responsible with my actions. I'm not perfect I did cross my limitations but I am proud of myself that I never tried or tasted drugs.
Our kids may be surrounded of different people and bad influences. The key on this is 'time' for our children as what Arthur Little said.
Let's teach our kids how to respect, build trust to each other and how to be responsible when they are in school or outside.