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Thread: spouse visa now what?

  1. #1
    Respected Member dave63's Avatar
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    Talking spouse visa now what?

    Okay.Finally we have been granted our visa so.......................WHAT NEXT? I know my wife needs to get CFO.Is there anything else that she needs to get to leave Cebu or to gain entry into the uk?
    :Yesterday was history.Tomorrow is a mystery.Today is a gift.This is why it is called"The present!"

  2. #2
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    Congratulations - you're on your way!!!!

    I haven't got that far yet, but I don't believe there is anything other than CFO registration and sticker - although the tax for a filippino to depart the airport is higher than for foreigners so make sure she has enough money to get through the airport!

    happy planning

  3. #3
    Respected Member dave63's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by justchecking View Post
    Congratulations - you're on your way!!!!
    I haven't got that far yet, but I don't believe there is anything other than CFO registration and sticker - although the tax for a filippino to depart the airport is higher than for foreigners so make sure she has enough money to get through the airport!happy planning
    Thank you for that. Good luck with your visa. You are in the right place for advice and words of wisdom and comfort.
    :Yesterday was history.Tomorrow is a mystery.Today is a gift.This is why it is called"The present!"

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dave63 View Post
    Okay.Finally we have been granted our visa so.......................WHAT NEXT? I know my wife needs to get CFO.Is there anything else that she needs to get to leave Cebu or to gain entry into the uk?
    ... cautiously saying "Nope, I don't think so" ... based on what I recall from memory of OUR own [my wife's and mine] experience, 11 months ago.

    And Renah being in Cebu, it'll be so much easier for her to book-in for the CFO counselling & sticker than it was for the likes of Myrna ... who'd to catch a very early flight from Mindanao!

  5. #5
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dave63 View Post
    Okay.Finally we have been granted our visa so.......................WHAT NEXT? I know my wife needs to get CFO.Is there anything else that she needs to get to leave Cebu or to gain entry into the uk?
    Congratulations!!! All she has to do now is attend the CFO and get the sticker in her passport. I should use the search function on here and read up on the CFO thingy, because they seem to make it up as they go along with regard to which documents/photos she must bring with her to the seminar and they also ask a lot of damn stupid questions like what is your mother's maiden name, middle name, where do you work etc, etc.

    Some girls have been told to go home and come back the next if they don't have the documents they want or can't answer the questions they ask correctly, it's as if the women there at the CFO are jealous and will try to catch them out and obstruct them in any way they can.

    Quote Originally Posted by justchecking View Post
    although the tax for a filippino to depart the airport is higher than for foreigners so make sure she has enough money to get through the airport!
    There is an additional tax at the airport for Filipinos called the Philippines Travel Tax, this is about P1600 and is separate from the normal departure tax, which I think is P750, which everyone pays.


  6. #6
    Respected Member dave63's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... cautiously saying "Nope, I don't think so" ... based on what I recall from memory of OUR own [my wife's and mine] experience, 11 months ago.

    And Renah being in Cebu, it'll be so much easier for her to book-in for the CFO counselling & sticker than it was for the likes of Myrna ... who'd to catch a very early flight from Mindanao!
    Once again many thanks Athur. Who is always there with valuable advice. May your reign be long!!
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  7. #7
    Respected Member dave63's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    Congratulations!!! All she has to do now is attend the CFO and get the sticker in her passport. I should use the search function on here and read up on the CFO thingy, because they seem to make it up as they go along with regard to which documents/photos she must bring with her to the seminar and they also ask a lot of damn stupid questions like what is your mother's maiden name, middle name, where do you work etc, etc.

    Some girls have been told to go home and come back the next if they don't have the documents they want or can't answer the questions they ask correctly, it's as if the women there at the CFO are jealous and will try to catch them out and obstruct them in any way they can.

    There is an additional tax at the airport for Filipinos called the Philippines Travel Tax, this is about P1600 and is separate from the normal departure tax, which I think is P750, which everyone pays.

    Thanks Iain advice taken and will act upon
    :Yesterday was history.Tomorrow is a mystery.Today is a gift.This is why it is called"The present!"

  8. #8
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    Congratulations!!! Now send her money for the ticket!

  9. #9
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    Now send her money for the ticket!
    :lol2: ... ever-practical eh, Penny?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    :lol2: ... ever-practical eh, Penny?

  11. #11
    Respected Member dave63's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    Congratulations!!! Now send her money for the ticket!
    Money?Ticket? I thought she could walk here! just joking. Yes hopefully My Renah will be here for her birthday (feb 11)
    :Yesterday was history.Tomorrow is a mystery.Today is a gift.This is why it is called"The present!"

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