Apple if you want neat and tidy, not worried about certain functions having a few years behind the latest specs and not that bothered to fiddle under the bonnet. But not for many who do want to push the limits and fiddle..

That is not an insult like Mr admin po boss lord of Wales says. Many people want simplicty and ease of use. You can pick up an apple and get it working in mintues. But from personal experience without hacking them they are to limited for what I want and require.

I dont like the lack of swapable battery but others like it as thats why its thinner and more tidy looking than many devices.

I dont like the restrictions to what software legally (for those that want to argue about this read the T and C's you agree to when using an Iphone) I can use on my Device, that the software has to be approved for me to use.

But I can see some people like to have this censorship to ensure the programs will work with their device. But having read how some Technically perfectly ok programs are not allowed to be distributed and reading between the lines because its not want apple want commercially does worry me as its a business model others are looking at What will happen to innovation if we only have what the corps want us to have

Companies even have to have updates small or big approved for software on apple store I belive which again some people will be happy with and can wait while others will not like.

Many Software applications and Hardware add ons for devices for many IT related products were indepently created and may have been rivals to the oem's products but in the end superceded these.

I also am happy to mutli task I know that means the device is running at a degree where it might crash if i have a mixture of twenty odd applications and browser windows open in my N900. It may mean the battery runs out a tad quicker but im ok with that. it happens rarely and often if you use your nous its amazing how much a smartphone can acheive if set up correctly.

At least on my Device I can choose if I want to use Flash or not use flash. Not be told sorry I Mr Jobs dont like Flash ( I understand the reasons) and you will not have the option to use. This has meant often the Wife with her Itouch and others with Iphone have asked to borrow my phone so they can use a site which depends on Flash

The Wife has on her itouch discovered she is not allowed by apple to perform more than one task at at a time in many situations. But she can on those evill devices which allow multitasking
For her to browse the web, check email, check twitter, check her photos, and play her music things all go pear shape it appears. Now maybe its possible but even with the famous Apple usabilty she has found she can do less at a time..

I totally see the point of apple products most people just want a pc that works will never fiddle with its software or hardware in depth and the same with their phone.

For me its like the Car market many people dont want to fiddle with their car and just accept what they are given but many like to fiddle or improve so horses for courses

Im Happy Apple have these products for people who have been crying out for Smartphones which are easy to use but I want the choice we have at present to stay and dont want to only to be able to pick between locked down systems.

Which with the new win mob 7 and Apple looks like the "Walled Garden" may be a big part of the future