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Thread: Apple to unveil new product

  1. #1
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    Apple to unveil new product

    So, any guesses what it could be? i-Toilet? i-TV? i-?

  2. #2
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    Exactly as every Apple product on the market already....

    Absolutely nothing of use for me.

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    It's been known for months it's a Tablet. Kind of a laptop with just a touch screen. Does exactly the same as a Netbook, but costs 3X more, but as usual the muppets who 'love' Apple will buy it
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Apple to unveil new product

    But not being a 'techno-geek' ... it's all "G(r)eek" to me ... unless, of course, it happens to be a new brand of CIDER apple!

  5. #5
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    It's been known for months it's a Tablet. Kind of a laptop with just a touch screen. Does exactly the same as a Netbook, but costs 3X more, but as usual the muppets who 'love' Apple will buy it
    i love apple but i am not a muppet
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  6. #6
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    Its a giant I-pod! Called an I-pad

  7. #7
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    I just have to laugh at this.

  8. #8
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maldita View Post
    I just have to laugh at this.
    Haha ... me too ... being a self-confessed 'luddite'! :lol2:

  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    It doesn't even multi-task That's as bad as cut'n'paste not appearing till V3 of the Iphone ... and people buy these low tech over-hyped products
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    It doesn't even multi-task That's as bad as cut'n'paste not appearing till V3 of the Iphone ... and people buy these low tech over-hyped products
    As im sure your aware the device could multi task and for some functions it does but the user has no say. Doesn't have Flash so many websites will not be shown fully or fully functioning.

    Personally I would prefer to choose what I want running and play with the files on the system. But many want a simple device which does what it says on the tin and rarely crashes.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  11. #11
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    N900 for now but this in the near future keep your Ipad
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  12. #12
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    But many want a simple device which does what it says on the tin and rarely crashes.
    That'll be my top spec Vista laptop then, never crashed yet, and easily runs over 50 web pages and programs at the same time
    Keith - Administrator

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    That'll be my top spec Vista laptop then, never crashed yet, and easily runs over 50 web pages and programs at the same time
    Thats funny as my Laptop which isnt even the top of the range Mac has 130 pages open, and usually between 8-20 apps at any one time and never crashes!

    Its up to people to choose what they like and after using in both work and home Macs for around 20 years I know what I prefer.

    I predict the iPad will be the first tablet PC to gain mass adoption unlike all the failed windows tablets that have been coming out since 2001.

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    apples share of the PC market is what less than 10%, so i don't know how it will gain mass adoption

    apple are just trying something others have already done

    X60 from 2yrs ago ..

  15. #15
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    a blown up iPod Touch! I never really got interested with Apple's products..costs too much but lacks most of the things i want..just look at example of disappointment..
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  16. #16
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by complex View Post
    Thats funny as my Laptop which isnt even the top of the range Mac has 130 pages open, and usually between 8-20 apps at any one time and never crashes!
    Due to the processor limitations in a Mac they don't run the betting bots I use as they can't process the info quick enough with other apps running like the TV tuner, excel bot conversions, all tested on the latest Mac, and all they do is stutter, no use for making money
    Keith - Administrator

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by complex View Post

    Its up to people to choose what they like and after using in both work and home Macs for around 20 years I know what I prefer.
    Having used Mac, Ubuntu and 2 other flavours of Linux, I'll always come back to windows. Mac and Linux for me are alien OS's and require a steep learning curve involving a lot of time and patience. Windows, I can troubleshoot easily, if I can't, a google search usually does the trick.

    Quote Originally Posted by complex View Post
    I predict the iPad will be the first tablet PC to gain mass adoption unlike all the failed windows tablets that have been coming out since 2001.
    Count me out as my laptop does the job well, I see no useful purpose for an I-pad. I refuse to pray (or pay) to the Church of Apple.

  18. #18
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    a blown up iPod Touch! I never really got interested with Apple's products..costs too much but lacks most of the things i want..just look at example of disappointment..
    What's disappointing with the iPhone?! What more do you want in a phone?! The only things that are not so good with my 3GS one are the camera and battery life, but with the battery, that's probably as I use the Internet on it so much whereas in my old Nokia N95 it was a lot harder to use/even painful. The iPhone is like an entertainment centre with so many handy apps for nearly anything you want. It's not one of the biggest selling phones for no reason!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by South-east boy View Post
    What's disappointing with the iPhone?! What more do you want in a phone?! The only things that are not so good with my 3GS one are the camera and battery life, but with the battery, that's probably as I use the Internet on it so much whereas in my old Nokia N95 it was a lot harder to use/even painful. The iPhone is like an entertainment centre with so many handy apps for nearly anything you want. It's not one of the biggest selling phones for no reason!
    I thought the big downsides were supposed to be sealed in battery and SIM cards. Might be wrong.

    I've never bought anything Apple as I their products to be both overhyped and overpriced.

    They tried and failed before with the long forgotten Apple Newton

  20. #20
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by South-east boy View Post
    What's disappointing with the iPhone?! What more do you want in a phone?! The only things that are not so good with my 3GS one are the camera and battery life, but with the battery, that's probably as I use the Internet on it so much whereas in my old Nokia N95 it was a lot harder to use/even painful. The iPhone is like an entertainment centre with so many handy apps for nearly anything you want. It's not one of the biggest selling phones for no reason!
    Well bluetooth is not compatible with the other's..cant replace the batteries and u have to go to their service center to replace it..apps u can install must be connected with Apple (well unless u jailbreak it)..memory not expandable..
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  21. #21
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Nothing exciting....I still wont trade my gadgets lol
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  22. #22
    Member complex's Avatar
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    Well the fact apple has a small market share hasn't hurt the iPhone or any other of their consumer products i.e. ipods!

  23. #23
    Member complex's Avatar
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    I know at least 7 friends now with iPhones all more than happy with them, admittedly if your used to the Nokias and other phones that all copy the same functionality and then apples leaves something out that you think should be standard then most people seem to feel cheated, but if you use an iPhone for any period of time I reckon you would never wont to move back to the old style interfaces. my previous phone a Sony K800 now feels so old, but still that is a very well specs good working phone.
    As for saying the bluetooth in iphone isn't compatible thats wrong, apple just limits the use of it, which is a bit annoying the one time someone asked me to send them something over bluetooth. My battery is still working fine, I will probably upgrade to a new model as my contact is already out so I doubt I'll be replacing a battery. Apps come from apple which isnt a problem, tell me what apps you want to run that the app store hasn't got? the fact the app store has been so successful is Apple makes it so easy to buy applications, now Microsoft Google and all the other makers are copying Apple again. So if the people here think apple doesn't do anything right that they want, the rest of the industry must be thinking differently!!

  24. #24
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    It really just sounds like your more accustomed to windows and prefer it and find it easier for that reason, the question might be if you would need to troubleshoot your PC as often if it was a Mac. Same way when I go on a windows machine it just feels wrong and far to much hard work to do simple everyday tasks, I've not used Windows 7, and have only heard good things about it.

    Why an iPad is a good idea over a laptop or netbook is for the same reason the iPhone has such high net usage stats, ease of use and having it there where you want it, most people might not want a laptop on their coffee table or arm of their chair, a lot of people like myself find they would rather just grab their iPhone to check something quick online as its within arms reach most of the time, substitute a device thats is faster has a better display and able to do more and then thats the iPad. Then think of some ageing parents that are not tech savy but would like to do some facebook or other internet activities, maybe shop from amazon send emails etc, all easily done from the iPad. Make more sense now? would you want to give a 60 year old a netbook, what functionality would they gain, a smaller screen, lower quality performance, viruses etc etc?

  25. #25
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    What limitations, Apple have been using standard Intel processors now for the last 3-4 years? same as you would find in any top of the range PC, because they don't use the cheap ones like Atom, just Core Duo and Xeon Nehalem, the only problem i would guess you to have would be the software is written for Windows and just wouldn't run on a Mac?

    And if your booting the Mac into windows which is now possible with all Macs now I'm sure it would perform like any top of the range windows machine as I remember when Apple first introduced Intel processors PC mag did a test and the 17" MacBook pro was rated faster than any PC laptop at the time at running windows!

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by complex View Post
    Same way when I go on a windows machine it just feels wrong and far to much hard work to do simple everyday tasks
    Really? What's so complicated about:

    1) Press power button
    2) (...then Windows Starts up)
    3) Hit the Internet Explorer/Firefox/Opera/Safari icon
    ...and hey presto your on the net!

    Again, if you were to use Notepad to take some notes:

    1) Press power button
    2)(...then Windows starts up)
    3) Click start > Notepad

    I'm sure all is great and wonderful in Apple land, but Windows is perfect for me, along with my 3 year old Sony Ericsson which has NO limits on bluetooth, (and I can send/receive email as well).

    If Apple gives you a warm fuzzy feeling with their overpriced, over hyped products/rubbish, then good for you. My underhyped/overpriced FujitsuSiemens Li3910 makes me happy and does the job far better than any i-phone./i-pod/i-pad/i-whatever.

    I had an email a while back, and it had the tagline "This email was sent from my I-phone".

  27. #27
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Really? What's so complicated about:

    1) Press power button
    2) (...then Windows Starts up)
    3) Hit the Internet Explorer/Firefox/Opera/Safari icon
    ...and hey presto your on the net!
    Can you explain that in simpler terms Rob.... we have women on here you know
    Keith - Administrator

  28. #28
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Can you explain that in simpler terms Rob.... we have women on here you know
    Hey! I'm a woman and I DO GET THAT! hahahaha
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  29. #29
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Really? What's so complicated about:

    1) Press power button
    2) (...then Windows Starts up)
    3) Hit the Internet Explorer/Firefox/Opera/Safari icon
    ...and hey presto your on the net!

    Again, if you were to use Notepad to take some notes:

    1) Press power button
    2)(...then Windows starts up)
    3) Click start > Notepad

    I'm sure all is great and wonderful in Apple land, but Windows is perfect for me, along with my 3 year old Sony Ericsson which has NO limits on bluetooth, (and I can send/receive email as well).

    If Apple gives you a warm fuzzy feeling with their overpriced, over hyped products/rubbish, then good for you. My underhyped/overpriced FujitsuSiemens Li3910 makes me happy and does the job far better than any i-phone./i-pod/i-pad/i-whatever.

    I had an email a while back, and it had the tagline "This email was sent from
    my I-phone".
    So you have used all of Apples current products then to know that they are 'rubbish' and what you have is better? I only have an iPhone and iPod, but the demo I saw on the new iMac was pretty impressive!

    Yeah, the iPhone would be better with a removeable battery, but you only would need to remove it if changing it over with a spare one. I don't see a y problems with the apps as there are so many and at least as they are through Apple they are less likely to cause any problems. Every one csn find a fault with any certain phone or something that one has that another hasn't, or one that seems to have everything but isn't so easy to use or doesn't work so well.

  30. #30
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    I personally think that iphones and ipod this and that are a waste of space and an unnecessary expense.

    People get suckered into buying the applications, games, songs....

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