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Thread: Whatta filipina!

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  1. #1
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    Whatta filipina!

    I met my 4 filipina friends after my class in Edinburgh yesterday.
    We were at the cafe and I was the only one who is married to a british.
    One of them working as biomedical scientist, 2 nurses, a filipino husband.
    We were yaking inside a cafe when another batch of Pinays came in.
    One of the them went to our table and asked where we live, introduce yourself and when I said I'm married to british, she felt disgusted.
    She said yukks, I will not marry a british! I just said, every person is unique and I love my husband sorry! My other friends in our table said if you will meet them, they are nice people as we've been there.
    She said she is working as care assistant. I just don't know why some nurses act like that. Racism to a fellow filipina.
    What makes them really feel disgusted, I don't know.

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    It's not racism, just her personal views. For instance, I'd never marry a Frenchman ..... Now that could mean I don't like the French..... However, I don't like the French
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you should have said "not as yuk as having to wipe peoples "

    she's just and jelly belly no Brit is interested in her

    quote from churchill 'I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly.'

  4. #4
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    Penny, I'm sorry to read your thread, especially as the people you met are from "caring" professions. I believe it's due to ignorance, which we Brits also experience. It's very hard to argue with such people, and probably not worthwhile, because they're already prejudiced.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    It's not racism, just her personal views. For instance, I'd never marry a Frenchman ..... Now that could mean I don't like the French..... However, I don't like the French
    Ok boss. Actually I respect her views that's why I commented in a positive way.

    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    you should have said "not as yuk as having to wipe peoples "

    she's just and jelly belly no Brit is interested in her

    quote from churchill 'I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly.'

    I would like to tell her I'm looking for a job and her job is in the bottom of my list. I love working with people really, but with boundaries.

    Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
    Penny, I'm sorry to read your thread, especially as the people you met are from "caring" professions. I believe it's due to ignorance, which we Brits also experience. It's very hard to argue with such people, and probably not worthwhile, because they're already prejudiced.
    I just don't know why nurses always have negative views with us filipina married to british. All I knew is they came here to be paid caring british people.

  6. #6
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    you should have told her double yuck for her job
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Ladybug_sim's Avatar
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    I just don't know why nurses always have negative views with us filipina married to british. All I knew is they came here to be paid caring british people.[/QUOTE]

    Well, it is just there opinion or views. Still be happy and lucky to have the right man or husband in life to be love and soon they knows that we married our man not because we need but because of love we have for our hubby keep inlove and have a big back to them when you see them again

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    you should have said "not as yuk as having to wipe peoples "

    I would like to tell her I'm looking for a job and her job is in the bottom of my list. I love working with people really, but with boundaries.

    I just don't know why nurses always have negative views with us filipina married to british. All I knew is they came here to be paid caring british people.[/QUOTE]
    Hey, let's be clear, we're talking about personal opinion and attitude in a few people (whatever nationality) with which we rightly disagree. But most nurses are dedicated and do not have negative views.
    Care assistants likewise have duties which are indeed beyond many people's "boundaries" . Unpleasant work at times, but what they do is essential, and we should be grateful to them.
    Medical laboratory scientists ... are the "backroom" boys and girls who are often not understood and therefore not appreciated. But please remember if a patient might have meningitis, needs an urgent blood test, transfusion, or a biopsy sample for cancer, they depend on these "lab technicians" (who all have a degree, just like nurses are soon to need).
    These professional people may not all have the right attitude (what group does?) but I'm prepared to defend the vast majority. You are entitled to your opinion about them, but if you work with them or (God forbid) you need their help, you might forgive the attitude of a minority.

  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
    Care assistants likewise have duties which are indeed beyond many people's "boundaries" . Unpleasant work at times, but what they do is essential, and we should be grateful to them.
    Medical laboratory scientists ... are the "backroom" boys and girls who are often not understood and therefore not appreciated. But please remember if a patient might have meningitis, needs an urgent blood test, transfusion, or a biopsy sample for cancer, they depend on these "lab technicians" (who all have a degree, just like nurses are soon to need).

    I've got nothing but respect for the care assistants, my mom is in a care home , so i know what a difficult job they do and how unpleasant it can be

    and there are many other people who do an important job for the NHS who don't have or need a degree, my misses is a Senior Assistant technical officer in the haematology depart (vampire squad) taking blood from patients, she gets to chat to mostly pensioners who tell her stories a few of her patients were in the royal navy, who were in the Philippines as WW2 ended and tell her what it was like then

  10. #10
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    you should have said "not as yuk as having to wipe peoples "
    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    I would like to tell her I'm looking for a job and her job is in the bottom of my list. I love working with people really, but with boundaries.
    Ho-hum! Based on Joe's inference, you can bet part at least part of HER particular job would be ABOUT the ... LITERALLY ... among other "places" on her list!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
    I would like to tell her I'm looking for a job and her job is in the bottom of my list. I love working with people really, but with boundaries.

    I just don't know why nurses always have negative views with us filipina married to british. All I knew is they came here to be paid caring british people.
    Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
    Hey, let's be clear, we're talking about personal opinion and attitude in a few people (whatever nationality) with which we rightly disagree. But most nurses are dedicated and do not have negative views.
    Care assistants likewise have duties which are indeed beyond many people's "boundaries" . Unpleasant work at times, but what they do is essential, and we should be grateful to them.
    Medical laboratory scientists ... are the "backroom" boys and girls who are often not understood and therefore not appreciated. But please remember if a patient might have meningitis, needs an urgent blood test, transfusion, or a biopsy sample for cancer, they depend on these "lab technicians" (who all have a degree, just like nurses are soon to need).
    These professional people may not all have the right attitude (what group does?) but I'm prepared to defend the vast majority. You are entitled to your opinion about them, but if you work with them or (God forbid) you need their help, you might forgive the attitude of a minority.
    Just my personal views too Doc. I know and respect their job and I'm not sure if I can do such responsibilities that's why it's in the bottom of my list.

    It is just stranged sometimes. We, filipinas married to British never or maybe seldom given any negative opinions by nurses working in the Philippines.
    Only these nurses working and caring elderlies in the UK has negative views with us. But then, I'm not saying in general as I have nurses genuine friends here. Most of them lives in our city in the Philippines, working in Wales, London, Newcastle and Scotland. I met in the Philippines and my FB friends.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Ho-hum! Based on Joe's inference, you can bet part at least part of HER particular job would be ABOUT the ... LITERALLY ... among other "places" on her list!
    Yes Arth, I admit it's the butt thing but who knows, I can do that little by little.

  12. #12
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Blimey to meet someone and then start saying they were disgusted with what one of the people they meet is a bit harsh.

    Each to there own, I notice the Wife gets the same problems sometimes although most nurses and OFWs just see human beings for human beings..
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  13. #13
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    I have experienced this attitude over many years with many different Filipino`s.
    Its all about their personal issues,their problems, their envy of you and what you have achieved and have made of your life.
    Its the famous crab mentality rearing its ugly head and general annoyance that YOU escaped the huge crab barrell which is the Philippines....
    Once you understand that,you will begin to live easier with your life successes and not worry so much about these lowlifes opinion of you .. Trust me...They are GREEN with envy.
    Been there ,done that!!

  14. #14
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    don't forget there may also be a cultural issue, especially those working in care homes who see the older generation sent away to be looked after at arms length - i.e. not by their families - this may cause them to disrespect the British approach to caring for their parents when they become old - it is quite sad really.

    We all have our own opinions of what's right and as long as you know why you're here and happy with that, then just smile through it...

  15. #15
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by justchecking View Post
    don't forget there may also be a cultural issue, especially those working in care homes who see the older generation sent away to be looked after at arms length - i.e. not by their families - this may cause them to disrespect the British approach to caring for their parents when they become old - it is quite sad really.

    We all have our own opinions of what's right and as long as you know why you're here and happy with that, then just smile through it...
    I have a general labourer that has been working for me for 2 years here in P.I(a real grafter btw)
    2 weeks ago he was diagnosed as having lung cancer..
    Not much good to a 39 year old with a "family"...
    Fortunately,we were able to buy his pain killers and the medication prescribed from his doctor.
    Unfortunately his family has been no where to be seen..(except for his wife and 3 children)
    Do you want me to go on or do you get the picture?? (incidentally...We are British!!)

  16. #16
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    My simple view here (without looking at jobs or status) is that some people dont care about colour, religion, race or age. When we find love, nothing else matters.
    Maybe this girl just hasn't been lucky enough to have found the right man for her yet.......she will know when it is time.....


  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    My simple view here (without looking at jobs or status) is that some people dont care about colour, religion, race or age. When we find love, nothing else matters.
    Maybe this girl just hasn't been lucky enough to have found the right man for her yet.......she will know when it is time.....

    So that's it Steve, and Penny, all you need is love !

  18. #18
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    My simple view here (without looking at jobs or status) is that some people dont care about colour, religion, race or age. When we find love, nothing else matters.
    Maybe this girl just hasn't been lucky enough to have found the right man for her yet.......she will know when it is time.....

    will she's not lucky because of her bad attitude
    all things are possible!

  19. #19
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vbkelly View Post
    will she's not lucky because of her bad attitude
    I agree, but she will meet her match one day...........lucky guy

  20. #20
    Respected Member rayofLight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    My simple view here (without looking at jobs or status) is that some people dont care about colour, religion, race or age. When we find love, nothing else matters.
    Maybe this girl just hasn't been lucky enough to have found the right man for her yet.......she will know when it is time.....

    I DO AGREE WITH YOU, ....hope she can find her truelove soon..for her to realized what LovE can do.....but i think it's hard for her, to find that man who can give her a real love...hmmmm... for that kind of attitude she had.....

  21. #21
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Did she say what was so 'yuk' about British guys?!

  22. #22
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    I met my 4 filipina friends after my class in Edinburgh yesterday.
    We were at the cafe and I was the only one who is married to a british.
    One of them working as biomedical scientist, 2 nurses, a filipino husband.
    We were yaking inside a cafe when another batch of Pinays came in.
    One of the them went to our table and asked where we live, introduce yourself and when I said I'm married to british, she felt disgusted.
    She said yukks, I will not marry a british! I just said, every person is unique and I love my husband sorry! My other friends in our table said if you will meet them, they are nice people as we've been there.
    She said she is working as care assistant. I just don't know why some nurses act like that. Racism to a fellow filipina.
    What makes them really feel disgusted, I don't know.
    ate penny what i can say is they are jealous of you because you got a lovely man.
    all things are possible!

  23. #23
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    hay ate pen... just bless her... she's just jealous.. or probably had a bad experience with British men... who knows..

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    hay ate pen... just bless her... she's just jealous.. or probably had a bad experience with British men... who knows..
    Thanks Florge. Bless those pinays always jealous lols.
    You're probably right.

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