Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
It's not racism, just her personal views. For instance, I'd never marry a Frenchman ..... Now that could mean I don't like the French..... However, I don't like the French
Ok boss. Actually I respect her views that's why I commented in a positive way.

Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
you should have said "not as yuk as having to wipe peoples "

she's just and jelly belly no Brit is interested in her

quote from churchill 'I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly.'

I would like to tell her I'm looking for a job and her job is in the bottom of my list. I love working with people really, but with boundaries.

Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
Penny, I'm sorry to read your thread, especially as the people you met are from "caring" professions. I believe it's due to ignorance, which we Brits also experience. It's very hard to argue with such people, and probably not worthwhile, because they're already prejudiced.
I just don't know why nurses always have negative views with us filipina married to british. All I knew is they came here to be paid caring british people.