Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
you should have said "not as yuk as having to wipe peoples "

I would like to tell her I'm looking for a job and her job is in the bottom of my list. I love working with people really, but with boundaries.

I just don't know why nurses always have negative views with us filipina married to british. All I knew is they came here to be paid caring british people.[/QUOTE]
Hey, let's be clear, we're talking about personal opinion and attitude in a few people (whatever nationality) with which we rightly disagree. But most nurses are dedicated and do not have negative views.
Care assistants likewise have duties which are indeed beyond many people's "boundaries" . Unpleasant work at times, but what they do is essential, and we should be grateful to them.
Medical laboratory scientists ... are the "backroom" boys and girls who are often not understood and therefore not appreciated. But please remember if a patient might have meningitis, needs an urgent blood test, transfusion, or a biopsy sample for cancer, they depend on these "lab technicians" (who all have a degree, just like nurses are soon to need).
These professional people may not all have the right attitude (what group does?) but I'm prepared to defend the vast majority. You are entitled to your opinion about them, but if you work with them or (God forbid) you need their help, you might forgive the attitude of a minority.