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Thread: Whatta filipina!

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  1. #1
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    next time ate penny say ''Super dooper YUCKY!' I will never marry a Filipino!' lolz!

    i wonder if she's married? maybe she's saying that bec. no Brit will even lay their hands on her.

    well, even if it's her opinion. it's not nice to say that in front of a fellow Filipina who's married with a British guy, specially you just met her. If I were in your place I already make taray and make sure she will walk away with her head down, nearly crying. hehehe!

    stay away with those kind of people. next time you see her say 'kiss my '

  2. #2
    Respected Member pumpkins's Avatar
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    my husband told me before that filipino nurses dont like filipina with brit husband. he said to me , the reason for his own point of view is kind of envy or jealousy, coz filipina get their visa by the help of their husband unlike filipino nurses they do it on their own hardship

    pumpkins babykins

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    next time ate penny say ''Super dooper YUCKY!' I will never marry a Filipino!' lolz!

    i wonder if she's married? maybe she's saying that bec. no Brit will even lay their hands on her.

    well, even if it's her opinion. it's not nice to say that in front of a fellow Filipina who's married with a British guy, specially you just met her. If I were in your place I already make taray and make sure she will walk away with her head down, nearly crying. hehehe!

    stay away with those kind of people. next time you see her say 'kiss my '
    She's lucky as we were inside John Lewis shopping mall cafe ehehehe. And my other pinay friends were there to defend me and it was great.
    Next time to see her, i'll tell her wipe my itchy butt! ahahhaha

    Quote Originally Posted by pumpkins View Post
    my husband told me before that filipino nurses dont like filipina with brit husband. he said to me , the reason for his own point of view is kind of envy or jealousy, coz filipina get their visa by the help of their husband unlike filipino nurses they do it on their own hardship
    Yes I've heard that and they are wrong because not all wife here were easily obtained their spouse visa. I did experience the hardship of obtaining it. Much easier for me to apply tourist visa than spouse.
    I have a pinay friend who is a biomedical scientist at Edinburgh University and her pinoy husband got his spouse visa in just six days!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumpkins View Post
    my husband told me before that filipino nurses dont like filipina with brit husband. he said to me , the reason for his own point of view is kind of envy or jealousy, coz filipina get their visa by the help of their husband unlike filipino nurses they do it on their own hardship
    I'm now totally confused by this thread, which started off commenting on the attitude of ONE care assistant, moved on to "nurses always have negative views", to "all you need is love", and now this How I wish my filipina girlfriend who hopes to graduate in nursing in April could do it on "her own hardship" with no help from me !

  5. #5
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    The bottom line is...It's how this lady expressed her opinion to Penny even if she's entitled to it. She should have kept it to herself if she has respect to anyone's feelings and I mean anyone regardless of what her job was or who is she married to. Like Penny said, we're all unique. It just so happened that she fell inlove with her lovely Brit hubby but that doesn't make her any " yuck". Besides, Brit husbands whose married to filipinas are much more caring and loving than any other foreigners. (Although, I still have favorites Hollywood stars but that's another story )
    A winning horse doesn't know why it runs in a race.
    It runs because of the hits of pain.
    Life is a race. God is your rider.
    So if you're in pain,
    then think God wants you to win

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by singkit View Post
    The bottom line is...It's how this lady expressed her opinion to Penny even if she's entitled to it. She should have kept it to herself if she has respect to anyone's feelings and I mean anyone regardless of what her job was or who is she married to. Like Penny said, we're all unique. It just so happened that she fell inlove with her lovely Brit hubby but that doesn't make her any " yuck". Besides, Brit husbands whose married to filipinas are much more caring and loving than any other foreigners. (Although, I still have favorites Hollywood stars but that's another story )
    Thanks very much Singkit!!! How you doing? Welcome back and missed you and your post!
    You're right and every person has it's own reason why she turned into good, into bad, miserable, and JEALOUS. That is something I am interested and excited to discover to every person. In every WHY, there's always a reason that we need to know and understand.

  7. #7
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    I don't think it's a negative view. Probably a perception why old British people are left alone in care homes, where are the kids? I know some kids are still in contact with their old folks. Lifestyle in Philippines are different. Old people are still the boss until they die, they never go into any care homes. But if you stay longer in the UK, you will understand, life in the UK is different, anywhere for that matter.
    And that visa thing, that could be one.

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