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  1. #1
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    hi all.can anyone help please.i would to after we marry can my wife apply for a spouse visa with her passport with her family name on it or will dhe have to change it
    thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    She have had her passport already and your still about to get married?

    Yes she can apply as spouse visa, then ammend her passport with married name in Phil embassy in London.

    Or ammend her passport first before she apply. Here's the details

    1. Wedding, then wait for the Marriage Contract (MC) in Security Paper issued by the National Statistics Office (NSO) or CTC issued by the Local Civil Registrar duly authenticated by NSO
    2. Ammend her passport
    3. Apply for spouse visa

    Simple as that
    Scot ===>

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  3. #3
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Just out of intrest how do they amend the passport and does the brit visa need to be changed as well?

    We were advised it was simpler and cheaper to change the passport in phill before applying for a spouse visa. Which is what we did and meant the wife needed to go to the cfo to get a letter to give to the dfa (or whatever the phill passport office is called) and then once we got the passport back applied for brit visa.

    Although it may take your wife a little longer to come over to the UK but may save a small fortune which can be spent on that new brit wardrobe your wife will need once here.

  4. #4
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    marriage contract

    hi when do you mean when you say wait for the marriage you not get that after the wedding,if not how long does it take to get.i cant stay long as a have my work here.

  5. #5
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    Passport amendment here in the Phils is just PhP100. But then, DFA said that amendment means i would still be using my maiden name coz it will be the same passport im carrying. Its just that in one page, they are going to put there that im already married and i believe my new name. Its better they said that ill renew my passport if i want to use my married name. Passport renewal is just PhP500 for regular processing which is 1 week. PhP750 if we want it in 2-3 days. My passport expires on 2010, but Im going to renew mine before i will apply for a visa.
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  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    My wife got her passport in her new name so luckily less to confuse passport control officers around the world.
    if u plan to travel round europe what with all the extra stamps u will need make sure you get a new passport which has a long as poss renewal date ie after u qualify for a brit passport.
    The hassle it would cause to have to renew a passport and get the brit visa cfo, schgen visa updated would
    be to much for us both to bear.

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