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Thread: need help for my girlfriend... PLEASE

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  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Smile need help for my girlfriend... PLEASE

    hey guys just came back from an 8 month trip to the phils had a great time. i met a girl while i was over there and well love her =) and i told her i would try and help get here to the uk. she is training nurse and will be graduating in april. so can anyone reccomend any ways i read here about the care giver but dont quite understand it.

    were both aged 19. and i myself am half filipino and half british, but i am a british citizen. thank you for any help you guys can give.

    all the best!,

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sugarman View Post
    hey guys just came back from an 8 month trip to the phils had a great time. i met a girl while i was over there and well love her =) and i told her i would try and help get here to the uk. she is training nurse and will be graduating in april. so can anyone reccomend any ways i read here about the care giver but dont quite understand it.

    were both aged 19. and i myself am half filipino and half british, but i am a british citizen. thank you for any help you guys can give.

    all the best!,
    , Craig ... and Best Wishes to your girlfriend on her upcoming Graduation.

    I know that under new Immigration Legislation introduced in November 2008, a minimum age of 21 years was deemed necessary for applicants seeking UK Settlement Visas. But I'm NOT sure how the "land lies" [so to speak] as regards Entry Requirements for younger Students ... nor indeed whether THEY, in the light of the amended ruling, would NOW be considered as minors.

    Consequently, I suggest you 'watch this space' for further guidance from members better-equipped than myself to answer YOUR particular queries.

  3. #3
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    Welcome to the Forum Craig
    I cannot advise you regarding immigration.
    There's plenty information here already about nursing and I won't repeat it all, save to say you need to go on the NMC website ( and download "Registering as a nurse or midwife in the United Kingdom for applicants from countries outside the European Economic Area" (19 pages)
    Three other points:
    1. Your girlfriend could be 21 by the time she's qualified to register with the NMC here in the UK ! After graduating she needs to take the licensure examination in July or November, with a usual pass rate of 40% Then she needs to practise as a registered nurse in the Philippines for at least 12 months after qualifying.
    2. The cost Apart from her nursing course + graduation, there is a review center course (I'm told 15,000 pesos) prior to taking the licensure exam (600 pesos) ...that's just the start !
    3. The UK needs nurses and care assistants ...but there's not enough jobs available for all the applicants from here or abroad
    So now you know Good luck !

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    The UK no longer takes new Filipina nurses, and you don't need any previous qualifications to work in a care home, as regardless of whether your a Phil qualified surgeon, or a grave digger, they all start at the bottom of the NVQ ladder and work upwards.

    Bringing a 'girlfriend' to the UK on anything other than a Fiancee or Visit visa would be misleading the IND and if discovered would blacklist her from the UK.

    She will also be unable to come to the UK until she is 21 for marriage purposes.

    I hope you have at least £5,000 spare cash for the process.
    Keith - Administrator

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