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Thread: still confused - paying visa fee

  1. #1
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    still confused - paying visa fee

    Apologies all, I have gathered some info about this, but am still a bit uncertain.

    My husband has my nationwide debit card, no credit card, no bank account in the philippines. My husband enquired about paying the visa fee at the bank and they said 'cash'. My option then is to ask him to spend around 5 days taking out the maximum from the ATM with my nationwide card until he has enough cash, then he can pay - this could take 5 days and he would be very nervous about holding onto that amount of cash.

    Surely I could take the debit card into the bank when I arrive and pay straight off the debit card? Or should I take sterling (I'm not too happy about carrying that much money around on me either) and exchange it for peso in the bank and then pay?

    Any advice very welcome

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by justchecking View Post
    Apologies all, I have gathered some info about this, but am still a bit uncertain.

    My husband has my nationwide debit card, no credit card, no bank account in the philippines. My husband enquired about paying the visa fee at the bank and they said 'cash'. My option then is to ask him to spend around 5 days taking out the maximum from the ATM with my nationwide card until he has enough cash, then he can pay - this could take 5 days and he would be very nervous about holding onto that amount of cash.

    Surely I could take the debit card into the bank when I arrive and pay straight off the debit card? Or should I take sterling (I'm not too happy about carrying that much money around on me either) and exchange it for peso in the bank and then pay?

    Any advice very welcome
    As I remember, we found ourselves in much the same situation just over a year ago ... when it came to withdrawing cash for my wife's visa. And, because of restrictons on the amount of cash one is allowed to take out per transaction using my [Bank of Scotland/Halifax] debit card, we ended up collecting the total fee in maximum daily instalments from the Metrobank in Tagum City ... a bit inconvenient (and risky) to say the least! Then it was a case of handing over the money to the Agency that verified our documents ... in exchange for a 'Manager's Cheque'.

  3. #3
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by justchecking View Post
    Apologies all, I have gathered some info about this, but am still a bit uncertain.

    My husband has my nationwide debit card, no credit card, no bank account in the philippines. My husband enquired about paying the visa fee at the bank and they said 'cash'. My option then is to ask him to spend around 5 days taking out the maximum from the ATM with my nationwide card until he has enough cash, then he can pay - this could take 5 days and he would be very nervous about holding onto that amount of cash.

    Surely I could take the debit card into the bank when I arrive and pay straight off the debit card? Or should I take sterling (I'm not too happy about carrying that much money around on me either) and exchange it for peso in the bank and then pay?

    Any advice very welcome
    hi justchecking,

    I also did the same thing when I applied for my visa before..It is quiet risky but just get the money close enough on the day he wanted to pay for his visa so he dont need to keep the money for too long..

  4. #4
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    Thank You - Arthur Little, helpful as ever, and to you Kimmi. Glad to know that others have done it and it was OK - hope they don't get suspicious and block the card!

    I better get the funds transferred soon so he can get withdrawing mid-next week _ i'm off to Manila with our daughter next Thursday (arrive friday late) and will try and book an appointment for the following Tuesday

    thanks again

  5. #5
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    I am not sure what the transaction in this case was but I have on several occasions in Spain, drawn up to 5,000 euros, over the counter in a bank, on my Nationwide credit card.

    I didn't make any previous arrangements, and as always, no charge at either end, and almost the interbank rate, against my Nationwide Flex account.

    Incidentally I drew cash from an ATM in Spain yesterday, The HIFX rate showed 1.154 euros to the pound, probably just about the interbank rate. I got 1.153.

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