Morning Joe!
First of all my wife is a qualified hair stylist having worked in a top Makati salon with mainly TV stars as her clients. Tony @ Guy, one of the most renowned hair salon names in the business, is interested in employing her based on her CV, but could not do anything until she is in the UK. They have a salon in Manchester i understand.
Re money. I do not forsee any realy problem if it is just a few thousand. If i had to multiply that by 10 then yes it would be!
As i said in my last post i am quite happy to work 18 hours or so a week, or however much is needed to reach the target, but i must have some freedom to try and rebuild my private teaching, which is quite well paid.
Off this particular subject. I have read one or two articles here and there about racial and insulting comments when you are seen around with your loved one. Have you experienced this or know anyone who has?. I could well believe it does happen.
Thanks and regards
PS Glad to hear you agree about Manchester. Are you from that area yourself? I was born in Blackpool for my sins!
PPS I think the full settlement visa may be the way to go as the only difference seems to be the interview. Proving our 'attachment' should be the least of our problems. If it is we will have drawn a real little Hitler for the interview!