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Thread: Used as an excuse..

  1. #1
    Member Stuana's Avatar
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    Used as an excuse..

    Hello everyone,
    Just wanna share how I feel about my husband's ex and his son.
    My stepson's not living with us but goes to school near us.He's not doing well with his studies and his mum is using us(me and my hubby) as an excuse.She said that their son is sometimes depressed because his dad married me.
    This morning when we're about to drop off my kids to school, we saw his ex and his son in her car and my hubby blink his lights and wave at them but she ignored us..and she's always doing it so many times everytime I am with hubby.
    Anyway, I just can't understand why she's using our marriage as an excuse when in fact she herself were with many blokes after she broke up with hubby.Still bitter and jealous? I think so...and the word she can describe me???USER/SCAMMER..
    Well, for those people who's judging us as scammers, they just don't know what beautiful life we gave up in the Phil. just to be with our beloved husbands..
    Sometimes, no offense meant, I prefer my life way back but this is the sacrifice I need to face..Thru thick and thin, for richer or for poorer..that's the meaning of married life, in my humble opinion..

  2. #2
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    Sounds like my ex, bitter and jealous. I find the best way is to ignore her as much as possible. as for calling you a user/scammer its probably the only thing she can come up with for a reason why her ex-husband found a good wife. I've heard all those bs comments before from my ex, happened just after I posted some pics of my gf on facebook. It's insecurity, she would only have been happy if I had found somebody older and uglier than her

  3. #3
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    HI Stuana, if its bothering you too much you should talk about these with your husband or maybe just try to ignore her, the more you worry about her is the more it will affect you.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  4. #4
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    This is life, sometimes people just do not get on. You cannot change their mindset.

    Let the dad and kid get together for day out together. When the son realises father is happy and contented, that is all that matters. Perhaps he is too young to understand that mom and dad did not get on with one another. In time, he will learn to accept you.
    It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

  5. #5
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    This is life, sometimes people just do not get on. You cannot change their mindset.

    Let the dad and kid get together for day out together. When the son realises father is happy and contented, that is all that matters. Perhaps he is too young to understand that mom and dad did not get on with one another. In time, he will learn to accept you.
    That's very true
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  6. #6
    Member Stuana's Avatar
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    Hi,tnx for all the reply.
    Well, hubby asked his son if he's at all bothered with the situation,that his dad already has his new fam. and he answered not at all.That he's happy and accepted things but I don't know honestly if he's as well telling the truth.He's staying in his mum's and hubby's thinking he's being brainwashed.On our 1st week here in UK,he's texting his dad that like his mom I am just after British passport, I already got passport, Philippine passport
    As I said to my hubbby, it's very unfair that people are using others of their unhappiness in life.
    I already talked this matter with hubby, more than once and as a parent to his son, he's as well weighing and being fair to everyone,caught in the middle and the only things he can say is ignore.
    I really want to set aside, ignore how we are being treated but it really hurts.These are the times I feel alone though husband is always there to calm me down.If not because of him,I would rather go back home...

  7. #7
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    HI Stuana, my ex was like that to me before but i had a serious talk to him and told him that its not healthy to have a grudge when it involves the kids and their emotions,so eventually he gave up and found a new wife of his own and evrybody happy...
    Dont stop ur hubby if he wants to see his kids ..Its different world now.. kids are bright/smart/understand and knows whats happening and whats going to happen they cant be brainwash anymore...and about the ex just ignore and stay beautiful for ur hubby..
    and remember:
    'nobody can bring a filipina down...

    ''Dont be Serious..Be Sincere!!''

  8. #8
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    The Ex is the one USING your husband for a guilt trip, not the other way round.
    Keith - Administrator

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    and remember:
    'nobody can bring a filipina down...

    Magaling ! Excellent !

  10. #10
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Maybe a tongue!
    Keith - Administrator

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Maybe a tongue!
    If I had suggested that I would be banned

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