Hello everyone,
Just wanna share how I feel about my husband's ex and his son.
My stepson's not living with us but goes to school near us.He's not doing well with his studies and his mum is using us(me and my hubby) as an excuse.She said that their son is sometimes depressed because his dad married me.
This morning when we're about to drop off my kids to school, we saw his ex and his son in her car and my hubby blink his lights and wave at them but she ignored us..and she's always doing it so many times everytime I am with hubby.
Anyway, I just can't understand why she's using our marriage as an excuse when in fact she herself were with many blokes after she broke up with hubby.Still bitter and jealous? I think so...and the word she can describe me???USER/SCAMMER..
Well, for those people who's judging us as scammers, they just don't know what beautiful life we gave up in the Phil. just to be with our beloved husbands..
Sometimes, no offense meant, I prefer my life way back but this is the sacrifice I need to face..Thru thick and thin, for richer or for poorer..that's the meaning of married life, in my humble opinion..