It all started with me getting the courage to join filipino Amongst the many girls looking for a relationship one jumped out at me and guess which one....yes my fiancee Maristela.There was a certain something that I liked about her , not just her fantastic looks but after reading about her details I decided to send an e mail to invite contact.Not as easy as it sounds as she ignored my first e mail. She tells me now that it was because I had no photo and that she thought I must be crazy as I stated only looking for friendship...her words were 'what the hell is he doing on this website looking for friendship only!'

Any way, after a few days, I sent another e mail and she realised I was persistant. So thats when she gave me a chance,she responded and we linked up via email saying hello to each other....After about 30minutes we moved onto skype...and thats been our main source of contact ever since.

To give you an idea of how love struck we bacame on our first skype, we chatted for 9.5hours non stop, only for Maristela to go to sleep around 9a.m. in the morning philippines time....From that point onwards we have chatted every single day since, usually a couple hours in the morning before I go to work and 4-5hours in the evening when I get saturday we even spoke for 13hours...our record! God we must have it bad...hehehe.

Anyway...let me try and make this a little interesting, lets call this chapter one of getting to meet each other....

After a few short weeks on skype, I was in manila on a business trip and we scheduled to meet the first morning that I arrived at the hotel. An experience in itself as Maristela kept me waiting for about 2 hours or so not quite sure if she was going to turn up. I was waiting by the taxi rank at the hotel, and must have watched a 100taxis pull up, someone else getout and drive away..each time I looked as the taxi drove towards me, looking for the figure of maristela to be sat in the back....remember I ahad never met maristela to this point, so not quite certain if I'd recognise her straight her way because real life can be a little different to photos or skype...You can imagine how I was feeling after 2 hours, heart pounding, wondering if this was going to work out alright, would she like me when sees me in person...I was certain I was going to like her.........then a banged up taxi rolled in, like most taxis in manila, the ones that tell u they have air conditioning on the side, but in reality, not much fresh air inside....

Once the taxi pulled up...this tiny figure got out the back....a small asian brown eyed black hair girl, only 5ft 1inch tall....what she did not have in size she had in beauty....stunning, unbelievably gorgous women smiling right at me....I could not believe my eyes....she walked right over to me, smiled a smile to die for and grabbed my hand....we quickly kissed, said, 'Hi' ......At last Contact had been made......................

Next chapter if anyone is when I met the eldest sister who happens to be a Police women...and boy did I know about it!