Hi Kassandra and welcome to the forum. I agree with both Rusty and Sunshine, being overdrawn is a big NO NO. If I were you I would postpone making your application until your husband had paid off his overdraft. When The ECO (Entry Clearance Officer) looks at your application if he sees your husband's bank account is in overdraft he may conclude that he is living beyond his means already and that is even before he has brought a wife to the UK whom he has to support.
If you follow this link http://filipinaroses.com/showthread....ight=overdrawn you will read of one instance where the husband was in fact earning quite a good salary and who's financial situation seemed OK as far as he was concerned, but he had quite a big overdraft and their visa was refused because the ECO came to the conclusion I mentioned previously. If you use the search function on this forum and search for both "overdraft" and "overdrawn", you will find some other similar stories.