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  1. #1
    Respected Member alanmf1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy Hancock View Post
    Yes we all got a bacon butty and a cup of tea for the effort, and a nice letter from the top, and keep it up lads, yes thats the place Maranellos, Alan!!! you a petrol head aswell???? its realy the polish they clean the car with that makes it go faster at the end of the day, it amazing what Mr Sheen can do these days, but please keep this to yourself, hush!!!! hush!!! top secret Alan.

    Worked in F1 for 11 yrs mate thats all.....

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    again, Jeremy. I was kinda in the same situation as yourself ... in that, I too had been corresponding with a lady in the Phils for around 12 months before going out there to meet her in September 2008.

    Like you, I met most members of her immediate - and extended - family; indeed, everything turned out better than even I [the eternal optimist] had hoped for. So much so, that towards the end of my three weeks' stay, we'd more or less decided we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together.

    On returning to the UK, I put my "affairs in order" (so to speak) by obtaining a 'Certificate of No Impediment' from my local Registry Office and, in the meantime, Myrna did likewise at HER end ... securing an equivalent document known as a CENOMAR ... as proof that, with our both being widowed, it left us free to *remarry.

    And *THAT we did ... a couple of weeks after I went back out to her homeland in November of the same year.

    But in between ** my two trips, I have to admit "toying" with the notion of Myrna first coming to Scotland on a 6 months' Tourist Visa. After all, I reasoned, it would provide an ideal opportunity for her to sample the British Winter before making the commitment to emigrate here. Not only that, but the cost was only (on~ly! ) £65 ... as against between £550 - £600 (a virtual fortune for someone like ME, who was already retired and living on a modest occupational pension) for either a Spousal or Fiancee Visa. And what if the weather turned out to be far too cold for HER liking, HERE?

    **At that point, I joined Filipino/UK on the recommendation of a fellow Brit [now permanently domiciled in the Philippines]. The advice given to me on here - AT THE TIME - was that she'd be very unlikely to be granted a tourist visa ... due to well-founded suspicions on the part of the British Embassy ... based on there being a high risk of 'visitors' failing to return to their countries of origin within the permitted timeframe of their visas - if indeed, at all!!

    Which is WHY, I am alerting you now to the strong possibility of a refusal, should YOU decide to go down this road. Admittedly, the intervening period has witnessed a [small] upsurge in the number of successful applications of this sort ... but it nevertheless remains a bit of a gamble. But, on the other hand, at a tenth of the cost, you may consider it worth taking a chance, if your girlfriend can produce "solid" enough evidence (such as her job will be held open for her, for instance) that she is FULLY motivated to returning home straightaway, afterwards. Also, you and she will be best placed to know the stage your relationship has reached at this point.

    I hope the foregoing is of help to you, my friend. Good luck with whatever path you choose.

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