I don't know what the age limit is for attending the CFO seminar, but I think she might have to register with them. I do know that she will need to have the CFO sticker in her passport because when we brought my step-daughter here we were unaware of this and we had to fill in a form at the airport (the same form you fill in when you attend the CFO seminar) and pay a fee (of course) of about P400.
I did find this which might help you: http://www.cfo.gov.ph/index.php?opti...=297&Itemid=77 For youth emigrants aged 13 to 17, the following additional documents are also required.
I should imagine your daughter would be classed as a minor in which case you should also read this: http://immigration.gov.ph/index.php?...=239&Itemid=80 look at the part which says SOME RESTRICTIONS ON THE RIGHT TO TRAVEL OF FILIPINOS.