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Thread: embassy visa pick up

  1. #1
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    embassy visa pick up

    my wife has applied for a spouse visa which she has just recieved a text message to say the visa process is complete, and she should go to manila to get the documents and the visa result.

    That is fine, but she had paid for them to be delivered, and she lives in pampanga and is 4 months pregnant, doesnt particularly want to travel to Manila unless she has to.

    Is this the normal practice? We have tried to contact the embassy/visa processing centre to query it, but unfortunately the two numbers we have obtained -the one from the embassy site is not in use and another has no answer. Maybe someone knows the actual contact number for the visa processing centre.

    By the way, just for forum users info...our waiting time from the day the papers were passed to the embassy up to now is 4 weeks and 2 days, so not at all horrid.

  2. #2
    Respected Member mhaedonald's Avatar
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    hi yorkie ive been through that process but are you sure that your wife pay for delivery?or just the text and email messages that they will let you know from time to time if what's happening with her visa?
    anyway if you really pay for the delivery then just make an inquiry..Try these numbers...

    British Embassy in Manila
    For PLDT & Smart Subscribers 1-909-885-VISA (8472).

    For Bayantel 1-903-VISAUK or 1-903-847285

    Telephone: (2) 816 7116 or 816 7348/9 (consular/visa section). Fax: (2) 819 7206.
    Email: uk AT info DOT com DOT ph ( for information)

  3. #3
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    Good luck and hope it is good news.
    We have been waiting now for 44 days for my wife's visa so hopefully it won't be long?

  4. #4
    Restricted Access September's Avatar
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    If she pay for the delivery of it, she dont need to go to manila to pick it up, she will just miss it, they will deliver it, they just let u know it was done and sure thing if she pay it was on the way, best of luck

  5. #5
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    thank you for the replies. She did pay for the text messages and the delivery, she has phoned them but they kept her on hold until her phone credit ran out. I think she will phone them in the morning, and if no resolution will go to manila.

    I'll post the outcome when we know it. On the bright side if it is declined, I have a good excuse to go back to the Philippines this year, I miss the sun.

  6. #6
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    Well the visa was granted Apparantly the embassy said my wife only paid for the SMS although she is convinced she paid for the courier service also, but its all good.

    Just over 4 weeks for it to be granted, an officer at the embassy remarked that it was a fast processing compared to many at the moment.

    We provided all of the evidence I have seen posted here on other threads on this forum, as for finances I have no significant savings and an income (net) of around £1200 a month which was considered sufficient (I was worried it would not be considered sufficient). For evidence of the relationship we just submitted some phone bills, copies of about 10 conversations on yahoo over a period of about 6 months or so, wedding photos and marriage certificate. I think also included was a sample of one of the wedding invites we used. All the documents were organised into a binder with a contents page at the beginning, I think there were more than 100 pages in total, although I think the yahoo conversations added up to around a third of this.

    We did not use an expert visa service provider, considering they charge £800-£1500 they dont really do anything that you cant do yourself, but I dare say that most people realise that without me having to say it

    I'm not sure if there is any other information that comes to mind which I can give for any current applicant, but if there is anything in particular I am happy to answer it.

  7. #7
    Respected Member mhaedonald's Avatar
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    Hi Yorkie! CONGRATULATIONS!! That's what im thinking also when i ask you if your wife is sure she paid for the delivery or just the SMS...Just misunderstanding i think!!Anyway Goodluck and hope she will like it hereAs when i just arrive here i dont want to go out for long coz its too cold i stayed in the car :lol2::lol2::lol2:
    Donald16Mhae ::

  8. #8
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    All's well, that ends well! Congratulations, Yorkie ... and to the forum.

  9. #9
    Respected Member marlyn&kenny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yorkie View Post
    Well the visa was granted Apparantly the embassy said my wife only paid for the SMS although she is convinced she paid for the courier service also, but its all good.

    Just over 4 weeks for it to be granted, an officer at the embassy remarked that it was a fast processing compared to many at the moment.

    We provided all of the evidence I have seen posted here on other threads on this forum, as for finances I have no significant savings and an income (net) of around £1200 a month which was considered sufficient (I was worried it would not be considered sufficient). For evidence of the relationship we just submitted some phone bills, copies of about 10 conversations on yahoo over a period of about 6 months or so, wedding photos and marriage certificate. I think also included was a sample of one of the wedding invites we used. All the documents were organised into a binder with a contents page at the beginning, I think there were more than 100 pages in total, although I think the yahoo conversations added up to around a third of this.

    We did not use an expert visa service provider, considering they charge £800-£1500 they dont really do anything that you cant do yourself, but I dare say that most people realise that without me having to say it

    I'm not sure if there is any other information that comes to mind which I can give for any current applicant, but if there is anything in particular I am happy to answer it.
    Congratulations!! we are planning to submit our application too by May If God permita and im now 5 months preggy, the reason why we have to wait til May is that, my hubby needed to re-establish his savings (bank statements) We just married last oct. 2009, Could you give us some advice please or if you dont mind, do u have email or phone that my hubby can contact you? We want to make sure we get it all correct,as we want our baby to be born in UK.
    Thanks a lot and God bless!
    Marlyn & Kenny forever

  10. #10
    Respected Member liane's Avatar
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    Congratulations Yorkie
    I hope we could have the rental agreement soon then I could submit my application
    Just want to know, did your wife put the pictures in some album or I could just do some scrapbook type with some captions on it?
    I am half way finish with the documents I need and I want to work on with our pictures together
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  11. #11
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    Marylyn&kenny you can contact me at if you have any questions, however if you are 5 months pregnant I think you will have to give birth in the Philippines as you cannot fly in the third trimester.

    I'm also not sure what level of medical cover you get free in the uk on a visa, which I'm currently trying to establish, I've been told by NHS direct that it is free however the visa does stipulate that you cannot have access to public funds, which I take to mean that also means NHS treatment will need to be paid for, if that is the case it is probably going to cost less for you to give birth in the Philippines.

  12. #12
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    Liane: i dont think it matters what format the pictures are presented in, its the proof that they require not the presentation. Honestly I dont know how my wife presented the documents as I was not in the Philippines at the time she went for the appointment.

  13. #13
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    yeah well i called up the nhs helpline and they told me if the immigrant has indefinate leave to remain then they eligible for treatment.....if a person aquires d settlement visa that is indefinate leave to remain right?? so she should be eligible.....i mean you as a taxpayer shud have d RIGHT for your family to deserve tratment.....i tink theres a human right issue somwhere here!!

  14. #14
    Respected Member abby's Avatar
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    just wanna share bout the NHS thingy.. I was able to avail the NHS while i was on a fiancee visa due to kidney infection and its for free. I think it doesnt need to have ILR before you avail the free service...

    hope it helps!


  15. #15
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    well, i got free treatment from NHS (i am diabetic) and i was (and still is) on fiancee visa (still awaiting my FLR)... your wife should benefit more from NHS as she is on spouse visa...

    the hospitals have personnel who check validity of claiming free healthcare (forgot what they were called) as there have been instances where illegal immigrants and visit visa holders go to hospitals and claim free treatment. I think they are stricter now. I was interviewed by one of them while waiting for my blood to be taken. I wasn't married yet at that time. They asked questions about ethnicity, type of visa, etc.. and ultimately, all I needed to do was send them a copy of my marriage license once I got married but even prior to that, I got free healthcare.

  16. #16
    Member Dee31's Avatar
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    @ LIANE. Just put all your pictures in an envelope. and labeled them as pictures. You can put caption at the back of each photos if you want. Arrange your documents according to the guide list. the vfs have a plastic bag to put the documents altogether. Good luck!!

  17. #17
    Respected Member liane's Avatar
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    Thanks Dee
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dee31 View Post
    @ LIANE. Just put all your pictures in an envelope. and labeled them as pictures. You can put caption at the back of each photos if you want. Arrange your documents according to the guide list. the vfs have a plastic bag to put the documents altogether. Good luck!!
    yes Dee31 is right. VFS has its own plastic envelope to put all ur documents together. Its all up to you how you would like to arrange ur pictures. I just know coz I just submitted my application last April14, 2010. And im thankful to all the help they give and also those experience of others who just applied and been grant a visa....

  19. #19
    Member kittenhug's Avatar
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    congrats yorkie! did she have to undergo medical check up before they granted her the visa?

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