Well the visa was grantedApparantly the embassy said my wife only paid for the SMS although she is convinced she paid for the courier service also, but its all good.
Just over 4 weeks for it to be granted, an officer at the embassy remarked that it was a fast processing compared to many at the moment.
We provided all of the evidence I have seen posted here on other threads on this forum, as for finances I have no significant savings and an income (net) of around £1200 a month which was considered sufficient (I was worried it would not be considered sufficient). For evidence of the relationship we just submitted some phone bills, copies of about 10 conversations on yahoo over a period of about 6 months or so, wedding photos and marriage certificate. I think also included was a sample of one of the wedding invites we used. All the documents were organised into a binder with a contents page at the beginning, I think there were more than 100 pages in total, although I think the yahoo conversations added up to around a third of this.
We did not use an expert visa service provider, considering they charge £800-£1500 they dont really do anything that you cant do yourself, but I dare say that most people realise that without me having to say it
I'm not sure if there is any other information that comes to mind which I can give for any current applicant, but if there is anything in particular I am happy to answer it.