i haven't been on here much later for postings but have logged on and been reading all the succes and support this site continues to provide...wanted to share our news with you as i feel you have been part of our great adventure...we got married on saturday the 6th feb 2010!!!! its amazing and we are so happy...i can hardly believe what started with electronic images and type on my computer in july 2009 has resulted in this fantastic journey ... i believe life is a journey and that you walk a path some turnings our dead ends some lead to happines, all i ever wanted was to have the right person by myside as i walked this path and now she is here !!!! life is good life is strong life has the greatest future...

many thanks to all on here for support and for those embarling on this journey or waiting for visa or even contemplating if this is right for you i urge you to take the first step and continue to live the dream.

jonathan and annabel