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Thread: Home secretary was on Radio 2

  1. #1
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Smile Home secretary was on Radio 2

    So I wasn't sure to put this in NEWS, but it's a discussion on immigration and about the current laws and how it affects Britain.

    So he was on Radio 2 with Jeremy Vine at 10/02/10 at 12:00. I was surprised, someone asked why can't I bring my Filipino wife over was that one of you guys?

    You can catch up with previous programmes here if you are in the UK

    I think this is the right one:
    It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    So I wasn't sure to put this in NEWS, but it's a discussion on immigration and about the current laws and how it affects Britain.

    So he was on Radio 2 with Jeremy Vine at 10/02/10 at 12:00. I was surprised, someone asked why can't I bring my Filipino wife over was that one of you guys?
    I heard that including the Nottingham guy asking about his Filipina wife - it was the last question Johnson gave the usual BS answer about having to be strict to thwart scammers, there will soon be an English test etc etc. He advised the caller to contact his MP - the prog ended caller was unable to respond.

    The bit that had me nearly careering off the road with laughter was his claim that the largest inward immigration by numbers was Brits returning from living in Spain

    Anyway according to him immigration's not a big issue except for the fact that a lot of myths need exposing - eg peoples worries about the number of asylum seekers - we are only 15th in the European league table so we really shouldn't be concerned.

    Lying, deceitful slimeball

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    So I wasn't sure to put this in NEWS, but it's a discussion on immigration and about the current laws and how it affects Britain.

    So he was on Radio 2 with Jeremy Vine at 10/02/10 at 12:00. I was surprised, someone asked why can't I bring my Filipino wife over was that one of you guys?
    nope i was the one asking why i can't send the misses back

  4. #4
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    The bit that had me nearly careering off the road with laughter was his claim that the largest inward immigration by numbers was Brits returning from living in Spain
    Hardly worth a mention really when you consider how many are fed up with the UK and emigrating abroad. I bet it's a hell of a lot more than a few pensioners returning from Spain coz their savings have run out.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    So I wasn't sure to put this in NEWS, but it's a discussion on immigration and about the current laws and how it affects Britain.
    Since you mentioned Immigration.....

    Have a look at this bit of news from today's papers....

    It was all a cunning plan from the start....

    The shower in charge opened the borders on purpose, for their own little agendas...

    Oh, if any Labour supporters want to dispute this...

    It was on all the newspapers, and not just on the Sun or Daily Mail....

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Since you mentioned Immigration.....

    Have a look at this bit of news from today's papers....

    It was all a cunning plan from the start....

    The shower in charge opened the borders on purpose, for their own little agendas...

    Oh, if any Labour supporters want to dispute this...

    It was on all the newspapers, and not just on the Sun or Daily Mail....
    I read about this last year - quoting todays Telegraph article

    "The existence of the draft policy paper, which was drawn up by a Cabinet Office think tank and a Home Office research unit, was disclosed last year by Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett.

    He alleged at the time that the sharp increase in immigration over the past 10 years was partly due to a “driving political purpose: that mass immigration was the way that the Government was going to make the UK truly multi-cultural”.

    I find this very sinister - Labour artificially manipulating the UK's demographics to ensure their odious party survives and retains power. It smacks of ethnic cleansing in reverse, no wonder the rabid allegations (until recently) of racism aimed at anyone questioning the open door / out of control immigration policy.

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Oh, if any Labour supporters want to dispute this...
    Dom do you want to dispute who took the UK into the EU ?
    I'll remind you, conservative Prime Minister Edward Heath..

    many more immigrants in the UK are from the EU than from outside..

    1 million poles came, in fact the gov thought 50,000 might come , to have uncontrolled immigration. now with the EU expanding all the time (Bulgaria, Romania, even turkey ("Its capital is not in Europe, 95% of its population live outside Europe, it is not a European country " - Former French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing) , and you can guess which country they will all be heading for , don't blame labour completely for this, tories are just as much to blame, if not more so

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    Dom do you want to dispute who took the UK into the EU ?
    I'll remind you, conservative Prime Minister Edward Heath..

    many more immigrants in the UK are from the EU than from outside..

    1 million poles came, in fact the gov thought 50,000 might come , to have uncontrolled immigration. now with the EU expanding all the time (Bulgaria, Romania, even turkey ("Its capital is not in Europe, 95% of its population live outside Europe, it is not a European country " - Former French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing) , and you can guess which country they will all be heading for , don't blame labour completely for this, tories are just as much to blame, if not more so
    Typical Labourite hypocrisy from Johnson now in fear of his job and making electioneering noises over the immigration debacle yet last July said 'I don't lose sleep over prospect of 70m population'

  9. #9
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    I listened to it and I thought he sounded like a complete
    When the yank asked him if he knew how many of the ?million immigrants have paid into the system in the last ?years he didnt have a clue.
    I heard the guy asking about his filipina wife and the trouble they have getting her here.
    I know its a long and drawn out process but I was fine with it. What i`m not fine with is the fact that not every immigrant has to do it.
    How many of these scumbags would be here if they had to prove where they would live and have their sponsor supply financial information regarding support?
    And I would wholely support any party that states quite clearly that NO immigrant regardless of country of origin can claim benefits.
    Makes me sick to my back teeth.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    I listened to it and I thought he sounded like a complete
    When the yank asked him if he knew how many of the ?million immigrants have paid into the system in the last ?years he didnt have a clue.
    I heard the guy asking about his filipina wife and the trouble the have getting her here.
    I know its a long and drawn out process but I was fine with it. What i`m not fine with is the fact that not every immigrant doesnt have to do it.
    How many of these scumbags would be here if they had to prove where they would live and have their sponsor supply financial information regarding support?
    And I would wholely support any party that states quite clearly that NO immigrant regardless of country of origin can claim benefits.
    Makes me sick to my back teeth.

    I totally agree with you.

    The Labour Govt lavishes benefits on the scum of the earth and criminals that they welcome here (usually off the back of a lorry in Dover Eastern Docks) knowing that in 5 years time they can expect their votes. Of course if you are a decent, hard working legal immigrant it's a whole different ball game.

  11. #11
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I totally agree with you.

    The Labour Govt lavishes benefits on the scum of the earth and criminals that they welcome here (usually off the back of a lorry in Dover Eastern Docks) knowing that in 5 years time they can expect their votes. Of course if you are a decent, hard working legal immigrant it's a whole different ball game.
    To me, the electorate have been just like a flock of ... simply charging-in there to the ballot box each time the country has gone to the polls ... gullibly brainwashed into believing that a bunch of comparative novices is preferable to the infinitely more experienced politicians of the "dreaded" 'Thatcher Era'. And look what we're landed with! Time for a shift away from the major parties in any case.

  12. #12
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Of course if you are a decent, hard working legal immigrant it's a whole different ball game.
    i wouldn't say that about the chelsea team, do you see them play in their last game
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

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