hi there, i'm new on this site, i hope anyone here can give me important advise regarding my application
i'd like to visit UK to spend time with a british friend i am writing for 5 yrs. though our relationship is very special ,it is much more like friends than lovers. he visited me here in the philippines last august 2009 for 10 days only,finally after 4 1/2 yrs we are writing each other. for the meantime, we have no plan of getting engaged yet, since we both want to spend much more time together to know if we are really compatible for a long term relationship.he's very much serious about spending a lot of time with me before getting into any relationship,at his age of 34 now, while i'm only 24. i still have all his emails since 2005 which merely shows that we are like bestfriends than lovers though we are also talking a lot about possibilities of relationship in the future,and future plans in case we can have a relationship.my question is will it affect my tourist application in case the immigration would know that i have a british male friend in the UK? he is not going to sponsor me because he is still a student and it is his final year of phd. i'm working as sales agent , entrepreneur(different sources of income)and i don't think it would be a strong ground to consider that i will return home(which i really intend to do) i just want to visit uk, at the same time spend more ti8me with him and with his family because his family knows me as well and her sister also visited me here in the philippines last nov.2009.