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Thread: Anyone have health insurance in Phils?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Where she is, is home!
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    Question Anyone have health insurance in Phils?


    I am thinking that one day I would like to live part of the year with my wife in the Philippines.

    Of course, the first thing to arrange is the financial situation - having enough money for our family to live on.

    I am curious to find out from the men who live there now if you have bought health insurance for living in Phils?

    If so, how much was it and where did you arrange/buy it.
    You can pm me if it is sensitive in any way.

    Thanks for any info.


  2. #2
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    The first and best value medical insurance would be Phil health..So get that no matter what and say thank you to the president!!
    After that things do get a little pricey and IMO would work out more expensive than the actual treatment..Blue cross comes to mind!
    There are quite a few more as Im sure you have seen after a quick Google search..
    Of course there is the good old NHS which I will take full advantage of if the treatment is expected to be over more than lets say a trip back to the UK..
    (plus expenses)
    Also.. If you are only coming over for 6 months a year ,why not take out travel insurance in the UK before each trip??

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Where she is, is home!
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    Thanks for the reply, Fred.
    I will research the things you mentioned.

  4. #4
    Respected Member
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    I have Bupa Worldwide Gold, and that covers all the best hospitals in Manila including St Lukes and Manila Doctors Hospital, but doesn't cover any facilities in Cebu.
    Some of the good travel insurance policies include health insurance, and that is worth doing a bit of research, and in fact Bupa have a travel insurance policy.
    General treatment is also very cheap in the Philippines and can be to a very good standard, if you need any dental treatment, get it done in the Philippines :-)

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