View Poll Results: Should "Name and Shame Videos" be allowed?

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Thread: Filipina's being shamed and humiliated on YouTube...

  1. #1
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Filipina's being shamed and humiliated on YouTube...

    I have recently come accross some (what I am calling..) "Name and Shame Videos" Here's one example:

    These videos feature webcam footage and sometimes slideshow pics of apparent 'Filipina scammers' I find it a bit shocking that YouTube is allowing these "Name and Shame Videos"

    The girls could obviously be recognised in these videos and they are often giving a FULL NAME of the girl! Plus a yahoo username she is apparently using! Sometimes they are giving the girls hometown aswell! Without a thought for how damaging this could be for them! Frankly the men posting these "Name and Shame Videos" are hoping to cause troubles for them I think!

    The men uploading these videos are claiming that the girls are scammers, and that they are warning us off so that we don't also get scammed by them. That might be true in a sense but I think their main motivation is to hurt them, humiliate and embarrass them, this is their way of taking revenge I feel, it's a malicous thing more than anything else.

    I've read some of the YouTube comments and stuff and it has been said that one of the girls can't be traced...does this mean she has gone on the run cause of what they are doing to her?

    The girls are being called scammers, but we have no way of knowing if that's true.. These men may have just had a misunderstanding with them and are now claiming they've been scammed. It also seems that some of the girls are being pressurised into doing this by people they are working for..

    I understand that these men feel angered by being scammed or cheated in some way, but should they be uploading these videos?

    I think no..

    Frankly I'm amazed YouTube is allowing it to happen..

    The idea that these men are uploading these videos to 'warn us of scammers' is a bit.......I think they are interested in making life difficult for the girls, I don't think they should be doing it, and I don't think YouTube should be allowing it!

    What do you think of this? And has anyone been a victim of a "Name and Shame Video" as I'm calling it?

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  2. #2
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    I have recently come accross some (what I am calling..) "Name and Shame Videos" Here's one example:

    These videos feature webcam footage and sometimes slideshow pics of apparent 'Filipina scammers' I find it a bit shocking that YouTube is allowing these "Name and Shame Videos"

    The girls could obviously be recognised in these videos and they are often giving a FULL NAME of the girl! Plus a yahoo username she is apparently using! Sometimes they are giving the girls hometown aswell! Without a thought for how damaging this could be for them! Frankly the men posting these "Name and Shame Videos" are hoping to cause troubles for them I think!

    The men uploading these videos are claiming that the girls are scammers, and that they are warning us off so that we don't also get scammed by them. That might be true in a sense but I think they're main motivation is to hurt them, humiliate and embarrass them, this is their way of taking revenge I feel, it's a malicous thing more than anything else.

    I've read some of the YouTube comments and stuff and it has been said that one of the girls can't be traced...does this mean she has gone on the run cause of what they are doing to her?

    The girls are being called scammers, but we have no way of knowing if that's true.. These men may have just had a misunderstanding with them and are now claiming they've been scammed. It also seems that some of the girls are being pressurised into doing this by people they are working for..

    I understand that these men feel angered by being scammed or cheated in some way, but should they be uploading these videos?

    I think no..

    Frankly I'm amazed YouTube is allowing it to happen..

    The idea that these men are uploading these videos to 'warn us of scammers' is a bit.......I think they are interested in making life difficult for the girls, I don't think they should be doing it, and I don't think YouTube should be allowing it!

    What do you think of this? And has anyone been a victim of a "Name and Shame Video" as I'm calling it?

    Nigel I watched the link you posted and I must say I didnt find it "hate" inspired the reason the these guys get the names and addresses is for money transfers requests.

    Most of these are beggers rather than scammers they just do it on dating sites but some can be more sophisticated have a look at the dragon ladies site given on utube its not just the phils but most of s.e. asia depending on language skills.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    I have recently come accross some (what I am calling..) "Name and Shame Videos" Here's one example:

    The girls are being called scammers, but we have no way of knowing if that's true.. And has anyone been a victim of a "Name and Shame Video" as I'm calling it?

    I have watched this and similar YouTube videos and agree there is no proof they are scammers.
    The best way to find out is to list concerns on this Forum as has happened several times very recently. There is much experience here for which I am very grateful. I guess the chances of any of us having chatted on line to any of these girls and recognising them are slim.
    As for having been a victim, worthwhile asking although I guess (and hope) not.
    Finally, it's been pointed out (by me and others) that scamming / fraud of one form or another is a bigger problem in the UK. In my case the police eventually arrested the individual (but she certainly wasn't on a YouTube video!).

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
    In my case the police eventually arrested the individual (but she certainly wasn't on a YouTube video!).


  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Don't want to hijack this thread so this is all I will say:
    If my case gets to court with me as witness and victim, as the police have recommended, this British scammer will be named and shamed in the right place; YouTube would be the least of her worries
    Hindsight is a wonderful thing But my advice would be:- discuss your situation with friends if you're worried even if you believe the story you are being toldbe prepared for their questions and suspicions when you're convinced it's a scam take action like I didor be reassured if it's not Clearly if it involves someone in the Philippines the "friends" can be those on this Forum What I have said is based on experience which I hope may be more helpful than theory

  6. #6
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    I think the video is harsh. Perhaps the girl is lying about what she needs the money for and may have several prospects she is pitching, but surely the easiest thing for the victim to do is just walk away and ignore her if he thinks he is being scammed. Posting a revenge video out of spite is out of order in my opinion.

  7. #7
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    would love to hear the story of the guys who are making these videos, they must have been scammed out of a lot, as they're obviously still very bitter and haven't moved on.

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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    would love to hear the story of the guys who are making these videos, they must have been scammed out of a lot, as they're obviously still very bitter and haven't moved on.
    Please understand in my situation (which Aromulus asked me to talk about) I am not bitter and I have certainly moved on However, I'm willing to appear in court if necessary to ensure justice is done
    Completely agree, YouTube videos with no evidence are the wrong way to go about it

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
    Please understand in my situation (which Aromulus asked me to talk about) I am not bitter and I have certainly moved on However, I'm willing to appear in court if necessary to ensure justice is done
    Completely agree, YouTube videos with no evidence are the wrong way to go about it
    you've lost me... I wasn't accusing anybody on here of being bitter. tbh I don't know anything about your story Alan apart from a little I picked up on another thread, but from what I read it seemed you were unsure of what was going on. Did you, as Aromulus suggested, "talk about" it?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    I wasn't accusing anybody on here of being bitter. tbh I don't know anything about your story Alan
    I commented on this thread, briefly so as not to change the topic, about my experience of a previous British scam. There was never any suggestion that you were accusing anybody here of being bitter
    I agree with everything you have said In all life's experiences it's best to learn from mistakes, be positive and move on

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    about my experience of a previous British scam.
    Gotcha, thought you were talking about being scammed by a filipina

    Not sure if they originate from the UK, but one of the worst scams about is the fake UK job scam. Seen a few pinays come on here asking if a job offer theyve received is legit. My gf even asked me to look over some emails her friend had receieved. I should imagine there's been quite a few folk from the phils who have parted with cash they can't afford on the premise of a non existent job abroad.

    Most the guys who get scammed online by girls are usually only losing cash they can afford. I doubt they're borrowing or getting the whole family to chip in to fund it as pinoys may be doing with these fake job apps

  12. #12
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    I see the voting is still fairly evenly balanced on this issue (but not yet statistically significant) There's no way of telling, but you wonder if the people who are scammed by filipinas (or filipinos) have never heard of this Forum !

  13. #13
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
    I see the voting is still fairly evenly balanced on this issue (but not yet statistically significant) There's no way of telling, but you wonder if the people who are scammed by filipinas (or filipinos) have never heard of this Forum !
    I agree very balanced there are quiet a few forums out there that are dedicated scam site Alan
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  14. #14
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    I would have thought that its the people from poor countries scamming the rich ones?
    I can`t imagine a brit scamming a pinay!
    What`ll they get out of it? adobo? rice? slippers? a jeepney ?

    Maybe its those guys way of letting off steam or something and its not for me to tell them how they should deal with it. Its not something i`d do but each to their own eh.
    My first experience in Phil involved a type of scammer.
    I visited her and her family 3 times and they all lied and cheated me.
    Everytime I left a yank travelled to them and whilst he was aware of me I wasnt aware of him.
    They even held a family welcome party for me just one week after they did the same for him.
    After I cleared her families debts such as her mums bank debt thats how they run their lives.
    They were all church goers and also the most awful lying scumbags i`d ever wish to meet. I don`t know how they had the nerve to go to church unless it was to confess all of their sins, which were plentiful!
    So it wasnt just her that was a scammer. All her family were in on the lie, also her friends too so what type of people are they?
    The karma police will get them i`m sure!
    So as far as i`m concerned they deserve all they get and if its a video then so be it.

  15. #15
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    If they get convicted will they be in the prison video dancing to Micheal Jackson. Just a thought...
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  16. #16
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    If they get convicted will they be in the prison video dancing to Micheal Jackson. Just a thought...
    Not that much chance of that time share is very popular
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  17. #17
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    poverty has driven them to scam lie and cheat.

    Not being funny guys but have some sympathy. They found a way to make a bit money, sometimes a lot of money. I really think if i was their and one of them i would do the same, its survival.
    I have been traveling toi the philippines for 6 years now. Got scammed the first time, and the second. G0t married to one who i thought was top lady, she was also a scammer. Or dare i say surviver.
    But i know there is good and bad in all cultures.And be honest guys from europe, america, the developed countrys. Your just as likely to get ripped of from a girlfriend or wife from your own country, and culture. Just we call the developing countrys, scammers, and ex wifes and girlfriends failures. Realy theyre all the same.
    I went on to find a perfect wife, a real darling so sincear and absalutaly faultless.She is the aple of my eye, and honestly a dream come true.She is from the north of the philippines, bangued. LOve you marlyn, now and forever.

    regards. kenny
    Marlyn & Kenny forever

  18. #18
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    I agree with what you say the discussion though regardless its emotive title is really about the freedom to use the net on both sides yes you can scam/beg yes you can be exposed I personaly dont think the humiliation is a big factor here these ladies have pretty thick skins
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  19. #19
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    Im sure I've seen posts on the forum before asking for just this sort of thing. Name and shame sites for known scammers. The concern even then was how to vet it and prevent it becoming a 'revenge' site.
    I'm not sure if I have a strong enough view to express either way as there are benefits and challenges for and against both sides.
    Fact is, Philipines is a very poor country. When a filipina needs money its logical they turn to someone or somewhere which has more than they do. On occasions this becomes scamming, but many other times its completely legitimate.
    I sent money to my wife when she was in the Philippines, and yes, I worried about being scammed. Our relationship was such that we made it through and are now very happy being together. I hope people are making their own minds up on any of this and not being swayed one way or the other by hearsay and horror stories which are easy to point at (and all too frequent - good news isn't as readily published).
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    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    I can't really understand, why anyone would bother to upload a video like that to youtube.
    Of course, if you are trying to establish a relationship & you find you're being scammed you're going to be well off & quite rightly.

    Something is just bothering me at the moment...when you know how little, some people are paid, not nearly enough to live on, maybe you can see why some resort to it.

    I know it's not right, but it's just the way I feel at the moment.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    I can't really understand, why anyone would bother to upload a video like that to youtube.
    Of course, if you are trying to establish a relationship & you find you're being scammed you're going to be well off & quite rightly.

    Something is just bothering me at the moment...when you know how little, some people are paid, not nearly enough to live on, maybe you can see why some resort to it.

    I know it's not right, but it's just the way I feel at the moment.
    ... To be honest, I just DON'T KNOW WHICH way to vote on such a contentious issue!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... To be honest, I just DON'T KNOW WHICH way to vote on such a contentious issue!
    16 more or less evenly balanced votes from over 440 viewings suggests that most have the same difficulty The degree of certainty acceptable to convict a Filipina scammer or fraudster ("beyond reasonable doubt") must be present far less often than is the case with those from Britain But it seems like we're not going to reach a consensus on whether the cases where there is less than reasonable certainty - the majority - should be named and shamed on YouTube.

  23. #23
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    In my view your never going to get a consensus on a forum nor should we its our diversity that makes it interesting.

    Neither do I think this is about trying to establish reasonable certainty to do that you would have to contact the ladies as a date and draw your own conclusions from the event.

    Some of the guys collect beggar/scammers as a hobby and publish there results I sometimes do 419 baiting of the dark continent on the basis that whilst they are pursuing a pay day with me they are not taking advantage of some old lady in Silly Ville or some agency scam for Pinoys trying to get a work visa via Western Union

    In all of these area including dating sites if I had the money Ive been asked for I could retire
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  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    I think the video is harsh. Perhaps the girl is lying about what she needs the money for and may have several prospects she is pitching, but surely the easiest thing for the victim to do is just walk away and ignore her if he thinks he is being scammed. Posting a revenge video out of spite is out of order in my opinion.
    I agree with you,,,

  25. #25
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Seems we can't come to any clear ideas on this..

    If a Filipina happened to be living in Britain and she had a name and shame video posted of her like that, surely that would be considered hate crime?

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  26. #26
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    Got to agree with the original post...just someone intent on a bit of revenge because they have been made a fool of..!! Like any poor or developing country there will always be scammers trying to make some money from gullible foreiners and believe me when i say, ive seen plenty of them in the Philipppines.(gullible foreigners I mean)

    I personally know of one bargirl who boasts about having three foreign boyfriends at the same time, all sending her an allowance thru Western Union. So watch out all you guys in chatrooms..!! Im not saying all girls are doing this but there must be a few. There are good and bad in every society but it worries me that so many people put their life hopes and dreams on marrying someone who they meet online. This goes both ways as a lot of guys are fantasists and lead on the girls with stories of how well off they are etc...Things can be very different when the girls get to the UK. Long distance relationships are difficult at the best of times and especially difficult when different cultures are involved so try to spend as much time getting to know your prospective partners before marriage. She could be a golddigger looking for a way out and he might not be quite what he seems..!!! jmho


  27. #27
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    Seems we can't come to any clear ideas on this..

    If a Filipina happened to be living in Britain and she had a name and shame video posted of her like that, surely that would be considered hate crime?
    I think the chances even of seeing those vids are pretty slim the one you posted is already gone I cant see that its wrong to post a warning and linc it to sites that raise awareness in this area.

    Nothing to do with race but rather activety
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    Quote Originally Posted by scot5man View Post
    Got to agree with the original post...just someone intent on a bit of revenge because they have been made a fool of..!! Like any poor or developing country there will always be scammers trying to make some money from gullible foreiners and believe me when i say, ive seen plenty of them in the Philipppines.(gullible foreigners I mean)

    I personally know of one bargirl who boasts about having three foreign boyfriends at the same time, all sending her an allowance thru Western Union. So watch out all you guys in chatrooms..!! Im not saying all girls are doing this but there must be a few. There are good and bad in every society but it worries me that so many people put their life hopes and dreams on marrying someone who they meet online. This goes both ways as a lot of guys are fantasists and lead on the girls with stories of how well off they are etc...Things can be very different when the girls get to the UK. Long distance relationships are difficult at the best of times and especially difficult when different cultures are involved so try to spend as much time getting to know your prospective partners before marriage. She could be a golddigger looking for a way out and he might not be quite what he seems..!!! jmho

    Couldn't agree more. I for one have done as much homework, questionning and digging as I can, not that I'm naturally suspicious, but I dont want to be taken for a ride or made a fool of. There does have to be a lot of trust for any relationship to work, but that goes both ways, as you say the western guy might not be as truthfull as he could be either, so lets not jump on the bandwagon and call every Filipina a gold digger, scammer or a hooker. I'm sure there are plenty of guys who have promised the earth, delivered nothing and broken many a genuine Filipina's heart.

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    Hey, i'm liking this forum Englishman and a Scotsman agreeing on something...!!! gotta be good..!!!

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by scot5man View Post
    Hey, i'm liking this forum Englishman and a Scotsman agreeing on something...!!! gotta be good..!!!
    Lol. Can't say I've ever had a disagreement with a Scotsman, or a Welshman or Irishman for that matter. It's the French and Germans

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