Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
As you can see Ekks, most here are very pro NHS, and although I am too proud of our health service, from experience I'm not sure if the UK is the best place to have a baby compared to other countries. I was present here at the birth of both my kids here in the UK, and was alarmed on the first occasion that there was only one midwife running back and forth between 2 ladies, and both times I found their attitudes quite uncaring. They seemed a bit stressed I've also known of 2 foreign nationals who gave birth here (1 spanish, 1 thai) and they were both appalled by a number of things, and said that what they had experienced would never have happened in their home countries.

Having said all that though, our media here do love to bash the NHS. I'm sure you'll be fine wherever you decide. A friend of mine recently delivered his wife's baby on the bathroom floor, and they're all doing fine
Thank you. That was what I saw too when my sister in law gave birth to my niece here (that the midwife seem uncaring) but I didn't mention it on the thread anymore just in case I'm just reading too much into things and she just wasn't that friendly or expressive. Especially as some of the women who have commented here and shared their own views seem to have good birthing experiences. I guess I will just have to see on my first antenatal appointment if I will like the midwife or not. It also is a bit strange to me (the notion of midwives) as I'm sure in the Philippines it's always the ob/gyn's who look after the pregnant woman and deliver the babies. Ah well, I will just have to get used to the differences. Maybe I'm just being silly and being such a worry wart 'cos I'm pregnant.