Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
I have already welcomed you to the Forum and from my advice on "SAD" (seasonal affective disorder) you might have guessed I knew something about health !
I've only just caught up with this thread and you've had a number of comments. All I can add is - you're young, maganda , and look healthy, so your chances of a successful pregnancy are excellent , obviously with common sense and a loving boyfriend to look after you!
It's been good to read the favourable comments about the NHS ! I'm careful on here to give "evidence based facts", rather than my own opinions, when it comes to health matters ... so for your pregnancy, do use the NHS, it's safe in the vast majority of cases Don't waste money on private care, which is not necessarily any better
Hi jackson.alan - thank you for the above comment. Any idea where I can get a cheap but effective light box for sad? LOL (only joking)

I'm really thankful to everyone who's shared their views about the NHS. I seriously thought I wasn't going to get a lot of good feedback so it's nice to put my worries to bed. Now if only people can give effective advice on how not to feel sick and nauseous during your first trimester - I am complete