Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
Interestingly from my point of view no-one here has commented that pregnancy and child-birth are NOT an illness
No-one thinks they are
I cannot comment on EVERY single NHS maternity unit but the vast majority of pregnant women are delivered safely under NHS care It's clearly also not ethical to comment on individual cases
Caesarean sections certainly seem to need explaining
They account for 1/5 UK deliveries (probably a higher proportion in the Philippines but accurate figures are not available), and the numbers are increasing, being already more than World Health Organization recommends.
They are performed when there is potential or urgent risk to the mother or baby.
They may be PLANNED (when medical needs become apparent during pregnancy), EMERGENCY (during labour), or ELECTIVE (personal choice) , and would NEVER be refused to save money The main reasons for Caesarean section are : danger to the unborn baby, failure of labour to progress, breech (bottom or feet first presentation) , or mother has had previous Caesarean section.