Hi filipina owlfirst of all I'm glad that you found this thread useful, being a newbie I was worried that the concerns I had had already been posted before and I thank everyone who has shared their views and experiences and made me feel reassured about giving birth at a NHS hospital.
Secondly congratulations in advanceI really hope that you have a very easy and almost painless birthing experience. Please do let me know how it all went for you. I bet you are excited and can't wait to see and hold your new bundle of joy. I've always been told that whatever you go thru during pregnancy and the birth becomes all worth it when you see your baby finally. Are you going to have a boy or girl?
To everybody - thanks again for all your input, I'm so glad I decided to sign up and ask you guys the question that's been niggling on my mind since I found out I was expecting. Now my boyfriend doesn't have to put up with me telling him all the time that I'm scared to give birth here and I want us to go to the Philippines for itCheers everyone!!