Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
it would be if he wasn't joking

I never liked the idea of paying anything privately, they'll do things that don't need doing just for the like dentist, pay someone a set wage, so they'll do what needs doing

regarding the phils, when my stepsons g/f gave birth, my misses said they better not perform a CS, for a 19yr old i think the % rate who need a CS is well below 20%, and guess what the hospital said she did needed a CS

and the prices triples ,
and what kind of treatment you get in the phils in many cases depends on your ability to pay for it
excuse me joebloggs but not all dentists do things that dont need to be done. The fact that i am not like that. I work as a dentist in the philippines for 6 years, i've work in the government and in private clinic after office hours. I have had foreign patients but i never take advantage of them, i do treatments which is needed and necessary and thats that. Maybe some dentist do but not me.