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Thread: Help Needed!

  1. #1
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    Question Help Needed!

    I just wanted to ask if I filed for a fiance visa and visit my fiance for awhile and go back to the philippines before the 6 month expiration of the visa to get married here in the philippines, do I need to apply for spousal visa after the marriage to be able to return to the UK?

    Your advices will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. x:

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by mastergidd View Post
    I just wanted to ask if I filed for a fiance visa and visit my fiance for awhile and go back to the philippines before the 6 month expiration of the visa to get married here in the philippines, do I need to apply for spousal visa after the marriage to be able to return to the UK?

    Your advices will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. x:
    There is a good chance you'll be able to re-enter the UK, though if you got stopped and questioned about your wedding plans it would be a problem as telling lies to the ECO is not a good idea, and if you tell the truth you may get refused entry.

    It is also likely to be a problem when you apply for FLR which you have to do before your fiancee visa expired. I doubt it will lead to a refusal, but it may well mean your application gets examined closely and you will get asked to attend an interview.

    So really not a good idea.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i think there could be a possibility that you could be refused entry back in the uk, for having the wrong type of visa as you would need 'entry clearance', Anyone who arrives in the UK for the purpose of settling with their spouse without a Spouse visa will be refused entry

    so before you come back to the UK, you would need to get a spousal visa first.

  4. #4
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    Thanks darren-b and joebloggs. I do appreciate your help.

    Cheers. xxx

  5. #5
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    Question Fiance Visa or Spouse Visa

    I need help here. I am really confused on what visa to apply for. My fiance wants me to apply for a fiance visa and be there for 3 months and be back to the Phils to arrange our wedding here. We are planning to get married here in the Phils. I am worried on getting fiance visa with my history of refusals. I might get refused again since I haven't mentioned about him in my last applications. I have always been applying for a family visit visa as I have a family from the UK. I have been in the UK twice already with this visa and lived with my fiance for awhile and met his family. I am already 100% sure to marry this man.

    Anyone hear, kindly please enlighten me with the PRO's and CON's of Spousal Visa and also with the Fiance Visa on my end.

    Cheers xxx

  6. #6
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    it's quite simple, if you are not planning to get married in the UK then you should not be applying for a fiancee visa.

  7. #7
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    Yes, I know that but my fiance just wants me to be around with him for 3 to 4 months before the wedding and then go back to the Philippines to sort the wedding plans.

  8. #8
    Respected Member MarBell379's Avatar
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    Without a marriage planned, I'd expect the fiance vias to be refused anyway. NOT a good way to go as these are expensive and take ages.

    3 options -
    1 - get a fiancee visa and marry in the UK
    2 - marry in Phils and get a marriage Visa
    3 - get a visitor visa to visit the UK (likely to be refused but much cheaper to apply for)

    if you get a fiancee visa and then return to Phils to marry there, technically you will have lied on the visa application as no marriage will take place in the UK.
    Dishonesty on applications is a cardinal sin, and is very likely to cause problems with future applications of any sort.
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  9. #9
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    Thanks marbell. Your advice is very helpful.

    Cheers. xxx

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarBell379 View Post
    Dishonesty on applications is a cardinal sin, and is very likely to cause problems with future applications of any sort.
    Especially when you have already got a black mark against your name with the UK Border Agency because of past applications.

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