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Thread: sponsor letter

  1. #1
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    sponsor letter

    Hi everyone!! need help regarding format for sponsorship letter ..
    Is it like my husband writing a letter to me stating that he wants me to come to him in uk or ....
    a bio data format stating his job or like writing to the embassy that he is sponsoring me???

    would love to hear from u guys

    'Dont be Serious...Be Sincere'

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well he's the one sponsoring you

    so it's a letter from hubby to the caseworker

    paragraph on each of the following

    your relationship, how you met, how many times been to see you, evidence of meeting etc.. the future.

    his finances - job, savings, bank statements, how he can support you without you needing recourse to public funds. etc

    his accommodation - where your going to live, does he own it, rent it, council, evidence it will not be over crowded..

  3. #3
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Thanks Joe ..ur such a great help all the time
    am just wondering gettting too excited coz my hubby is like writing a love letter to me with all our plans in the future together and how much he wants me to be with him soon and etc etc and he said that already is his sponsor letter for me so i get a little confuzzled

    ''Dont be sincere''

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    a rough copy. but something like this should do..

    Tele: +44 hubbies tele number____________________________________your hubbies address

    ________________________________________________________________ xx/xx/2010

    British Embassy

    Letter of support for XXXXXXXXXXXXX who is currently applying for a settlement visa.

    Dear Sir/Madam

    This is a letter of support for my wife XXXX who is currently applying for a Settlement visa, and I am pleased to be the principal sponsor. In this letter I hope to cover the main points required for my wife to obtain a settlement visa.

    Circumstances of meeting:

    I have known my wife XXXX for xx years and we married in xxxxx 200x. We first met online thru/using ..... blah blah blah..

    Financial Position:

    I am a British citizen, residing at the address above, and at present I am employed in a secure job at XXXXXXXXXXXX, an expanding company, as a XXXXXXXXXXX , (please see attached letter from my employer and a copy of my contract of employment).

    I have substantial savings in my bank, Please see attached bank statements, savings account, shares, blah blah

    Also my wife is a qualified XXXXXX and intends to seek employment on arriving in the UK which will further increase our income.

    This leaves my wife and me very confident, that we can now, and in the future, as we have in the past, take excellent financial care of our family, without any recourse to public funds.

    Our accommodation in the UK:

    I own/rent/ the above address, and as the property has X rooms, the house would not be classed as overcrowded if my wife lived there with me, evidence you own or rent it. pictures of the rooms, letter from landlord giving permission wife can live there etc

    Our relationship at present:

    your plans for the future... blah blah and more blah

    I am very familiar with the role and obligations of visa sponsorship and of the Home Office expectations in this undertaking, and as I am employed and my wife intends to seek employment, It is realistic that my wife would not need recourse to public funds, as if we ever faced major financial difficulties, my family would provide assistance so recourse to public funds would never be necessary.

    I hope the facts and evidence provided enables you to grant my wife a settlement visa to live in the UK.

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Yours Faithfully


  5. #5
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    a rough copy. but something like this should do..

    Tele: +44 hubbies tele number____________________________________your hubbies address

    ________________________________________________________________ xx/xx/2010

    British Embassy

    Letter of support for XXXXXXXXXXXXX who is currently applying for a settlement visa.

    Dear Sir/Madam

    This is a letter of support for my wife XXXX who is currently applying for a Settlement visa, and I am pleased to be the principal sponsor. In this letter I hope to cover the main points required for my wife to obtain a settlement visa.

    Circumstances of meeting:

    I have known my wife XXXX for xx years and we married in xxxxx 200x. We first met online thru/using ..... blah blah blah..

    Financial Position:

    I am a British citizen, residing at the address above, and at present I am employed in a secure job at XXXXXXXXXXXX, an expanding company, as a XXXXXXXXXXX , (please see attached letter from my employer and a copy of my contract of employment).

    I have substantial savings in my bank, Please see attached bank statements, savings account, shares, blah blah

    Also my wife is a qualified XXXXXX and intends to seek employment on arriving in the UK which will further increase our income.

    This leaves my wife and me very confident, that we can now, and in the future, as we have in the past, take excellent financial care of our family, without any recourse to public funds.

    Our accommodation in the UK:

    I own/rent/ the above address, and as the property has X rooms, the house would not be classed as overcrowded if my wife lived there with me, evidence you own or rent it. pictures of the rooms, letter from landlord giving permission wife can live there etc

    Our relationship at present:

    your plans for the future... blah blah and more blah

    I am very familiar with the role and obligations of visa sponsorship and of the Home Office expectations in this undertaking, and as I am employed and my wife intends to seek employment, It is realistic that my wife would not need recourse to public funds, as if we ever faced major financial difficulties, my family would provide assistance so recourse to public funds would never be necessary.

    I hope the facts and evidence provided enables you to grant my wife a settlement visa to live in the UK.

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Yours Faithfully


    Dear Joe, thank you very much...ur so kind..Bless you..will keep u posted on our near application

    ''Dont be serious...Be sincere!!''

  6. #6
    Respected Member MarBell379's Avatar
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    My own sponsorship letter was far more detailed than any of these, and FAR more personalised. The last thing you want is for a sponsorship letter to look like a standard from letter and raise suspicions. i think you NEED some emotion in there.
    Do a search on the forum - there are a couple of good ones that I cribbed from before tailoring my own.
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  7. #7
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Thanks Marbell if u will read carefully what joe indicated is a 'rough copy' which can do as a cover letter and from my post that my hubby made and sent me a personalized love letter with loads of emotions as he calls it his invitation letter to me then i dont see any problems with it anymore...
    Peoples experience can differ from one another what matters is that i got all u guys to lighten me up a bit

    ''Dont be sincere!!''

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarBell379 View Post
    My own sponsorship letter was far more detailed than any of these, and FAR more personalised. The last thing you want is for a sponsorship letter to look like a standard from letter and raise suspicions. i think you NEED some emotion in there.
    Do a search on the forum - there are a couple of good ones that I cribbed from before tailoring my own.
    Embassy staff don't deal in emotions they deal in facts, and they don't want to read a long love letter from you
    your writing your letter of support to the Embassy not your Partner, and its a letter of support not a letter of invitation to your partner

    The facts you to need to prove are :-

    that you're both are 21 years or older
    Parties to the marriage/civil partnership have met
    Legal Marriage/Civil Partnership is recognised in the UK
    your spouse in the UK is Present and settled in the UK
    Both parties intend to live together permanently
    you have Sufficient funds for maintenance without recourse to public funds
    and sufficient accommodation without recourse to public funds or it being overcrowded

    so tell my how you managed to put some in emotion in the above ?
    because that's all they care about, nothing else
    your applying for a visa, its a letter of support, not a mills and boon competition

    an old saying keep it simple , and don't reveal information your not asked for

    each to their own.. but for a second opinion have a look at one from visa geeks Transpondia
    show me the emotion i think it was show me the money

  9. #9
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    im just wondering why you need a sponsonship letter in your spouse visa, spouse visa don't need a sponsonship letter unless if you apply for tourist visa. as i remember when i applied my spouse visa i don't have a sponsonship letter, just gather all of your documents and submitt it to the embassy. goodluck to both of you!
    all things are possible!

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